Supplement Plans

Learn more about the Medigap Supplemental plans offered under Medicare.

Nesso Senior Benefits
Can Help

Millions of people have chosen Medigap policies to help pay for the out-of-pocket costs associated with Senior Benefits. Nesso Senior Benefits specialists will take the time to learn about your specific needs, and suggest the Medigap plans that will provide you with the coverage that you need.

The Nesso Solution

With Nesso’s Senior Benefits team, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you have coverage in place in case of an unexpected health emergency. Each Medigap plan has its own distinctive benefits, whether you are looking to save money or are interested in a comprehensive option. Take a quick glance at the main features of each plan below, or explore your options using our side-by-side comparison chart.

High Deductible Plan G

Plan A










High Deductible Plan G

You won’t have to worry about any unexpected expenses with this plan – it covers almost everything left behind by Original Medicare. Plus, you can choose from a variety of doctors and hospitals in the network.

Medigap Plan A

If you're looking for a way to cover the portion that Original Medicare doesn't, then Medigap Plan A is a great option. This policy covers your coinsurance and hospital costs for Part A, as well as your Part B coinsurance or copayment. Plus, it provides coverage for the first three pints of blood during a medical procedure, and Medigap hospice care coinsurance or copayment. This option is the most basic Medicare plan and a great place to start.

Medigap Plan B

Medigap Plan B covers everything Plan A does, including the deductible. This includes Part A coinsurance and hospital costs, Part B coinsurance or copayment, first three pints of blood during a medical procedure, and Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment. Plan B is an ideal choice for those who want comprehensive coverage and don't want to worry about any gaps in their coverage.

Medigap Plan C

Medigap Plan C covers almost all of Original Medicare’s copayment and coinsurance requirements. The one exception is Medicare Part B’s excess charges — if that is not disallowed in your state. Only individuals first eligible for Medicare before 2020 can purchase this plan. It covers the deductibles for Plan A & B, as well as coverage for when you are traveling, and skilled nursing facility coinsurance.

Medigap Plan D

Medigap Plan D is a supplement that covers all of your out-of-pocket costs associated with Original Medicare except Part B’s deductible and excess charges. It also covers the majority of a foreign travel emergency (up to plan limits). This comprehensive coverage is designed to help fill the “gaps” left by Original Medicare.

Medigap Plan F

Plan F is the most popular Medigap plan because it covers all of the gaps in Original Medicare, including hospital and outpatient deductibles. This means that you have no out-of-pocket expenses when you visit the doctor or go to the hospital. Only individuals first eligible for Medicare before 2020 can purchase this plan.

Medigap Plan G

Plan G is known for providing great value for the cost. With only a small deductible and minimal exposure to excess charges, this is the most predictable plan available.

Medigap Plan K

If you do not make lots of trips to the doctor’s office or hospital, it may be worth sharing some of the medical costs to save on monthly premiums with Plan K. It does not cover Part B’s deductible, excess charges, or a foreign travel emergency. However, it is one of the most popular plans because of its lower premiums.

Medigap Plan L

Plan L option covers a majority of your Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayments, three pints of blood during a medical procedure, Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment, skilled nursing facility coinsurance, and Medicare Part A deductible.

Medigap Plan M

Plan M is a comprehensive supplement at a lower cost than some of the more comprehensive plans. You will still have coverage for most of your costs after meeting your Part A deductible and paying your Part B deductible.

Medigap Plan N

Medigap Plan N is a supplemental policy that carries a lower premium by having you pay for a deductible and some copays for doctor's visits. It covers your Medicare Part B deductible, excess charges, and some of your copays for doctor’s office and emergency room visits. This allows you to have full coverage of a lot of other costs you’d normally be on the hook for while keeping your overall costs lower if you don’t see the doctor very frequently.

Our Process

Get in touch with our Medicare specialists.

We will collaborate to understand your specific needs and propose innovative and integrated solutions.

Our proactive approach will leave you with a Medicare plan that is custom-tailored to your needs.

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What’s Important to You


Our approach to integrated solutions and comprehensive services alleviates stress and elevates success. We provide guidance across multi-dimensional areas of expertise for individuals and businesses. You can trust that we’re working together with your best interest in mind.

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