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Nesso Benefits Offers Medical Insurance Benefits in Connecticut

As a business owner, you probably know the importance of employee benefits in today’s competitive market. Workers are now looking for a complete benefits package that matches their needs rather…

December 13, 2022

Written by Trey Bongiovanni

As a business owner, you probably know the importance of employee benefits in today’s competitive market. Workers are now looking for a complete benefits package that matches their needs rather than just a paycheck. One crucial benefit that you can offer your employees is medical insurance. In Connecticut, several options are available, and it can be tough to know which is right for your business. Fortunately, Nesso Benefits can help.

At Nesso Benefits, we’re a group of benefits advisors in Connecticut who specialize in helping businesses find the right employee benefits package. Whether you have a small group of employees or a large workforce, we can tailor a package to your specific needs. Or, if you prefer, we can help you set up a self-insured plan. Contact us today to learn more about our services and start prioritizing health and benefits in your company.


Our Benefits Advisory Services

Nesso Benefits wants to change your benefits experience and make it as seamless as possible. With our guidance, you can make your team members feel valued without overspending or skimping coverage. As independent advisors, we’re unbiased in our advice and always put your best interests first. And because we’re based in Connecticut, we’re familiar with the state’s laws and regulations regarding employee benefits.

Some of the things we can do for you include the following:

  • Analyze your current benefits package and make recommendations for improvements.
  • Assist with the enrollment process for new employees.
  • Educate you and your team about your benefit options.
  • Coordinate with insurance carriers on your behalf.
  • Help you enroll in a self-insured plan if your company doesn’t offer benefits

We take a collaborative and consultative approach to benefits advising, and we help employers access a full range of benefits. Not only do we provide medical insurance, but we also offer other types of benefits, such as ancillary and voluntary. These are great options if you want to provide your employees with more comprehensive coverage or if you’re looking to save on costs. We’re here to help you find your company’s right mix of benefits.

Our Medical Insurance Benefit

Medical insurance is an essential benefit that every worker deserves. It’s one of the most popular benefits, but it can be very costly if you don’t have a plan. At Nesso Benefits, we’re sure we can find a plan that suits you. First, we’ll get to know you and your business. We know there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for medical insurance, so we’ll ask about your company’s size, location, and industry. Then, we’ll evaluate your employees’ needs.


Once we understand your company, we’ll help you compare different options and guarantee you’re getting the best value for your money. We can advise you on how to enroll your employees so that the process is as smooth as possible. Remember that our team is always available to answer any questions you may have. After all, we want everyone to get the care they need and use their benefits to the fullest.

Medical Insurance For Every Client

No matter the size of your company, including medical insurance as part of your benefits package is essential. Small groups have 50 or fewer employees, while large groups have more than 50. Nesso Benefits offers solutions for both, plus self-insured plans for companies that prefer a more flexible option:

Small Group

If you have a small group, you may think it’s too costly to provide medical insurance, but that’s not necessarily the case. We know that sometimes, budget constraints can make it challenging to offer comprehensive benefits; that’s why we’ll work with you to find the most cost-effective option for your company. While the law doesn’t require employers to offer this benefit, many choose to do so to attract and retain the best talent.

Large Group

If you have a large group, you already meet the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements. This healthcare law requires companies with 50 or more full-time equivalent employees to report and offer medical insurance to their workers. But complying with the law isn’t enough. You also want to ensure you’re providing the best coverage for your team; that’s where we come in.

What Our Medical Insurance Group Plans Entail

High-Level Service

At Nesso Benefits, we’re committed to giving our customers the best possible service. We recognize the value of your time, so we’ll work quickly and efficiently to find the solution you need. We aim to build a long-lasting relationship with you based on trust and transparency.

Employee Education

We understand that not everyone is familiar with the ins and outs of medical insurance. Therefore, we make it a priority to educate your employees about their coverage options. We want them to feel confident and knowledgeable about their benefits so that they can use them to the fullest.

Work With Advisors, Not Agents

Some companies work with insurance agents primarily focused on selling a product. At Nesso Benefits, we take a different approach. Our advisors will never try to push you on a specific plan. Instead, they’ll help you navigate the complex world of employee benefits by offering impartial advice.

Our Self-Insured Programs

A self-insured plan is one in which the employer, rather than an insurance company, pays for the medical claims of its employees. This type of plan offers more flexibility regarding benefits, and it can be less expensive than a traditional insurance policy. However, it’s important to note that self-insured plans aren’t suitable for every business. If you’re interested in this option, we can help you evaluate whether it’s the right choice for your company.

What Our Self-Insured Programs Entail

Control And Transparency

With one of our self-insured plans, you have more control over your benefits. You’ll see where every dollar is going and can change the plan as needed. Plus, you’ll have greater transparency when it comes to claims and be able to create a strategy for the future.

Cost Savings

Sometimes, our self-insured plans can lead to cost savings. Since you’re only paying for the filed claims, there’s no wasted money on premiums. However, it’s important to note that this type of plan requires more administrative work on the employer’s part.


Another advantage of a self-insured plan is that it offers more flexibility. You can implement the custom-made benefits package that makes the most sense for your company. For example, you can choose which benefits to include and how much to contribute.

The Benefits Of Medical Insurance Benefits

There are many benefits to offering our medical insurance to your employees. Here are just a few:

Attract And Retain The Best Talent

Comprehensive benefits can help attract and retain the best talent. Workers want to know that their employer cares about them and invests in their future. Offering our medical insurance sends a message that you’re committed to your employees’ health and well-being.

Promote A Healthy Workplace

Not only is offering our medical insurance good for your workforce, but it’s also good for business. Your team is more productive and less likely to miss work when it’s happy. This way, you can keep your business running smoothly and avoid disruptions.

Save Money In The Long Run

It may seem counterintuitive, but investing in your employees’ health can save you money in the long run. Our medical insurance benefits are a great way to prevent expensive health problems. The earlier you catch an issue, the easier and less costly it is to treat.

Comply With The Law

As mentioned earlier, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires companies with 50 or more full-time employees to offer health insurance. You could face significant penalties if you don’t comply with the law. The last thing you want is to put your business at risk after all the money and effort you’ve put into it.

Build A Positive Reputation

Your reputation matters in today’s competitive marketplace. By offering our medical insurance, you’re showing that you’re a responsible and caring employer. This reputation will attract new customers and help you retain the ones you already have.

Focus On Your Business

One of the best things about our advisory services is that they take the hassle out of benefits for you. You won’t have to spend time researching and comparing different options.

Get Expert Help With Your Medical Insurance In Connecticut

When you partner with Nesso Benefits in Connecticut, you’ll have a team of benefits experts by your side at every stage. We’ll help you choose the right plan for your business and ensure that you comply with all the relevant laws. Plus, we’ll be there to answer any questions and provide guidance when needed. If you’re interested in adding medical insurance to your list of benefits, or if you want to design a new benefits package from scratch, contact Nesso Benefits today.

We’re part of the Nesso Group, which offers individual and business solutions, including accounting services, tax, and legal advice, insurance, Medicare, and more. Our desire to assist clients in every way possible sets us apart from the competition. Regardless of the stage of your business, Nesso Group can give you the help and guidance you require. We’ll put our experience and expertise to work for you so you can focus on running your business.


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