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Nesso Benefits Offers Dental And Vision Insurance In Milldale, CT

Benefits for employees are a crucial component of every company’s compensation plan. They can help recruit and retain top talent while giving workers and their families a valuable safety net.…

April 29, 2023

Written by John Wonneberger

Benefits for employees are a crucial component of every company’s compensation plan. They can help recruit and retain top talent while giving workers and their families a valuable safety net. The various alternatives and constantly shifting rules may make designing a benefits package stressful. For instance, dental and vision insurance are two of the most popular benefits, but you must choose between a group and an individual plan. Fortunately, Nesso Benefits can assist you regardless of your decision.

At Nesso Benefits, we know the difficulties of offering employee benefits; that’s why we provide comprehensive services to create, administer, and manage benefits programs in Milldale, CT. Together, we’ll design a program that satisfies the requirements of your staff while remaining within your financial constraints. Plus, we’ll handle all the red tape and paperwork associated with benefits so you can focus on running your business. Contact us today to get started.


Our Dental And Vision Ancillary Benefits

Business owners can include ancillary benefits like dental and vision coverage to complement a group health insurance plan. As a result, you may provide your employees with more comprehensive insurance at a low cost to your company. Payroll deductions are used for ancillary benefits, allowing employees to sign up for and pay for their desired coverage.

We’ll take the time to get to know your staff because they will be the beneficiaries of the dental and vision programs. Then, we’ll develop a unique strategy for your company because we understand that not everyone has the same dental and vision demands. You must also ensure your workforce knows their coverage and how to use it. Otherwise, they may not take full advantage of the benefits or use a non-covered service and get stuck with a bill. Nesso Benefits will provide the necessary resources to educate your employees about their ancillary benefits.

Our Individual Dental And Vision Plans

Nesso Benefits also has dental, and vision plans for individuals who are single, married, or have children. Does your workplace not include these perks in its benefits package? Don’t worry; the dental and vision care services covered by our individual plans are of the highest quality. When you visit the dentist or an optometrist, paying hefty out-of-pocket expenses might rapidly become overwhelming if you don’t have these benefits.

We can assist you in obtaining the coverage you desire, whether you’re self-employed, currently unemployed, or retired. We’ll evaluate your demands and develop the ideal plan, just like our group option. Additionally, we’ll be here to solve any concerns about using your coverage. Our goal is for you to make the most of your dental and vision insurance.

What Our Vision Plan Can Include

Nesso Benefits offers complete vision plans to keep your employees’ eyes sharp and healthy; this also applies if you prefer an individual plan. Here are a few of the services:

  • Routine eye exams and vision screenings
  • Discounts on laser vision correction surgery
  • Discounts on glasses, lenses, and contact lenses
  • Emergency eye care
  • Treatment for common eye conditions
  • Discounts on over-the-counter eye care products
  • Coverage for special needs

We’ll consult you to choose which to include in your vision plan. Suppose that many of your staff wear glasses or contacts. Then it might be logical to offer a greater reimbursement rate for those costs. Alternatively, you might prioritize regular vision checks if you believe your team would benefit more.

What Our Dental Plan Can Include

Nesso Benefits’ dental plans are as comprehensive as our vision plans. Here’s what our dental plans can include:

  • Routine teeth cleanings and exams
  • Fillings
  • X-rays
  • Dentures and implants
  • Crowns and bridges
  • Treatment for gum disease
  • Emergency dental care

Likewise, we’ll include the benefits and services that will most help you or your team members. You might wish to prioritize preventive care, such as checkups and cleanings. Or, if you have employees at high risk for gum disease or cavities, you might want to provide coverage for those treatments. With a fully customizable Nesso Benefits plan, you can decide what your dental plan will cover.

Benefits Of Our Dental And Vision Plans

The advantages of using Nesso Benefits’ services extend beyond the fact that dental and vision treatment is essential to sustaining good health.

They Can Attract And Retain Employees

An excellent method to demonstrate to employees that you care about their well-being is by offering high-quality perks; this might assist you in attracting and keeping top talent. After all, who wouldn’t want to work for a company that puts their health first?

They Can Improve Productivity

Your bottom line may improve when your staff is more productive and healthy. You’re helping your business and employees by purchasing dental and vision insurance through Nesso Benefits.

They Can Help You Avoid Absenteeism

Regular dental and vision checkups can help catch potential health problems early before they become absences. Team members diagnosed with a visual problem at a routine eye exam can receive the care they require and avoid missing work.

You Can Save Money In The Long-Term

Whether you operate a business or not, investing in dental and eye care can help you save money. For instance, if you or a teammate develops a cavity, a filling is significantly less expensive than a root canal. The same applies to eyesight problems. Early problem detection will prevent more costly issues in the future.

Who Can Use Our Dental And Vision Plans

Purchasing Nesso Benefits’ dental and vision plans would be an intelligent choice for everyone. However, we believe they’re particularly helpful for the following groups:

Business Owners And Entrepreneurs

As a business owner, you should know that your operation depends on your employees. As a result, you must use every effort to draw in and keep outstanding talent. The best method is through quality benefits, like Nesso Benefits’ dental and vision plans.

Company CFOs

At Nesso Benefits, we think that a company’s financial health is critical, just like the physical health of its employees. CFOs should be aware that spending money on benefits like dental and vision insurance can result in long-term financial savings for the business.

Human Resources Professionals

If you’re in HR, you must guarantee that the staff members are content and healthy. And our benefit plans can help a lot in accomplishing that. Setting up a dental and vision plan with Nesso Benefits demonstrates your concern for the well-being of your workforce.


If you’re an employee, you should utilize all of the perks offered by your employer. You can still buy dental and vision insurance for you or your family if it doesn’t come with those benefits. Keep in mind that your most valuable asset is your health. While some benefits, such as dental and eye insurance, are often overlooked, Nesso Benefits understands their significance.

What We’ll Take Into Account When Suggesting Dental And Vision Plans

When it comes to dental and vision plans, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. The kind of plan we’ll recommend to a business will depend on several variables, including the following:

Your Company Size

You will be in charge of more and more employees as your business expands. The type of dental and vision insurance we recommend will depend on how many employees you have. Nesso Benefits will design a benefits package that can grow with your company.

The Demographics Of Your Workforce

Employees in their 20s and 30s will probably require different dental and vision care than those in their 40s and 50s. The particular dental and vision benefits that are part of your plan will be customized to the age range of your workers.

Your Industry

Physically demanding work might impact an individual’s dental and visual health. If you work in a high-risk industry, we’ll show you dental and vision plans that offer more comprehensive coverage.

Of course, these are just a few examples. Throughout our onboarding process, we’ll gather as much information as possible about your company. Using this information and your cooperation, we’ll identify the dental and vision plan that best suits your current needs. We have a large selection of providers, so we’re sure we can find something that makes sense for your business. We’ll also offer continuous help to guarantee the strategy is working as intended.

We Help You Design The Right Dental And Vision Plan For You Or Your Business

At Nesso Benefits, we believe our clients should have access to high-quality dental and eye care. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our health and benefit plans in Milldale, CT, including dental and vision insurance. Our knowledgeable and highly professional team will make every effort to design a plan that gives your employees more freedom. We consider different factors before recommending the most suitable option for you. Ultimately, our top priority is ensuring that your employees are cared for, no matter the size or industry of your business.

We’ll be here to help you every step of the way and are available to address any concerns you may have. We’re part of the Nesso Group, which offers individuals and businesses various services, including accounting, tax, insurance, Medicare, and more. You know that you’re in good hands when you work with us, so schedule a consultation, and we’ll connect you with one of our specialists as soon as possible.


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