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Top Types of Benefits That Employees Value

When it comes to employee benefits, companies can offer many different types. However, not all benefits are created equal. Some benefits are more popular and important than others.    This…

August 17, 2022

Written by Trey Bongiovanni

When it comes to employee benefits, companies can offer many different types. However, not all benefits are created equal. Some benefits are more popular and important than others. 


This blog post will discuss the top 3 types of benefits that employees value: medical insurance, ancillary benefits, and voluntary benefits. We will explain each type of benefit, how it works, why it is important, and more.


What Are Employee Benefits? 

Employee benefits are any perk or advantage that a company offers to its employees. Benefits can include health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, child care assistance, and more. 


While some benefits are required by law (like workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance), others are offered at the employer’s discretion. 


Understanding The Benefits

There are many different types of employee benefits, but not all of them will be equally valuable to every employee. Some employees may place a higher value on health insurance, while others prefer additional paid time off. 


Employers need to understand what types of benefits their employees value to offer a package that meets their needs. Let’s look at the top three types of benefits that employees value: medical insurance, ancillary benefits, and voluntary benefits.


Employee Benefits Pros And Cons

When it comes to employee benefits, there are pros and cons you need to consider before deciding on what you want to offer. 


Employee Benefits Pros  


Employee Retention: The most obvious pro is that it helps employee retention. By offering benefits, you are making your employees feel valued and appreciated. 


It Also Attracts Top Talent: When job seekers are looking for a position, they look at the salary and the benefits package. 


Increases Productivity: Employees who receive benefits are more productive. This is because they feel supported by their employer, and they don’t have to worry about financial stressors. 


Employee Benefits Cons


It Can Be Costly: Offering employee benefits can be costly for employers. The price of premiums has been rising over the years, and it might continue increasing. 


Misusage: Another con is that some employees may abuse the system. For example, if you offer unlimited sick days, some employees may take advantage of it and call out often. 


Wanting More Benefits: Some employees may also feel entitled to more benefits than offered. 


When it comes to employee benefits, you need to weigh the pros and cons before deciding. What works for one company may not work for another. The most important thing is communicating with your team and finding out what they value most.


Medical Insurance 

Medical insurance is one of the most important benefits that employees can receive. Medical insurance helps protect employees from the high costs of medical care, which can often be a financial burden for families. Medical insurance is an essential benefit for all employees, as it can help keep them healthy and productive. 


How Does It Work? 

Medical insurance works by providing employees access to a network of doctors and hospitals that have agreed to provide care at a discounted rate. Employees typically pay a monthly premium for their medical insurance, and then they can use their insurance to receive care from any of the providers in the network. 


Why Is It Important? 

Medical insurance is an important benefit for all employees, as it can help keep them healthy and productive. Medical insurance can also help employees avoid financial burdens in an unexpected illness or injury. 


Types of Medical Insurance

There are a variety of medical insurance plans available to employees, and the type of plan that is best for an individual will depend on their needs. Some common medical insurance plans include HMOs, PPOs, and POS plans. 


HMO Plans

A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plan is a type of managed care plan that requires participants to use doctors and hospitals in the HMO network. HMO plans typically have lower monthly premiums than other medical insurance plans. 


PPO Plans

A Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan is a type of managed care plan that allows participants to see any doctor or hospital. PPO plans typically have higher monthly premiums than HMO plans. 


POS Plans

A Point-of-Service (POS) plan is a type of managed care plan that allows participants to see any doctor or hospital they choose but typically requires participants to use doctors and hospitals within the POS network for the best coverage. 


Employees should speak with their employer to learn more about the medical insurance options available to them. Employers can help employees choose the right plan for their needs, and employees can also ask questions about how the plans work and what they cover. 


Ancillary Benefits 

Ancillary benefits are employer-sponsored benefit programs that are not required by law but may be offered to employees to attract and retain them. These benefits can include various perks, such as child care, transportation, and fitness programs. Here’s a closer look at how ancillary benefits work and why they can be so valuable to employees.


Some examples of voluntary benefits include: 


  • Disability insurance 
  • Accidental death and dismemberment insurance 
  • Long-term care insurance 
  • Identity theft protection services 


Types of Ancillary Benefits

There are two types of ancillary benefits: Voluntary and Employer-Contributory. 


Voluntary Ancillary Benefits

These are the benefits employees choose to enroll in and pay for with after-tax dollars. Examples of voluntary ancillary benefits include dental, vision, and life insurance plans. 


Employer-Contributory Ancillary Benefits 

Also known as “mandatory” ancillary benefits, these are the benefits that employers must provide by law. Employer-contributory ancillary benefits include health insurance, Social Security, and Medicare. 


How Do Ancillary Benefits Help Employers? 

By offering a comprehensive benefits package, employers can show their employees dedication to their overall satisfaction. Other benefits include: 


  • Reduced employee turnover 
  • Increased employee productivity 
  • Improved attraction and retention of top talent.


Voluntary Benefits 

Voluntary benefits are another type of benefit offered to employees on top of their regular benefits package. These benefits are typically offered through an employer-sponsored program and include life insurance, disability insurance, etc. Voluntary benefits give employees the ability to choose the health and benefits coverage that best meets their needs, which can help them feel more secure in knowing that they have the protection they need. 


Examples Of Voluntary Benefits

Some common examples of voluntary benefits include life insurance, disability insurance, and long-term care insurance. 


Life Insurance

Life insurance is a type of benefit that pays out a death benefit to the beneficiary in the event of the policyholder’s death. This type of coverage can help provide financial security for families in the event of the death of a breadwinner. 


Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is a type of benefit that provides income replacement if an employee cannot work due to an injury or illness. This type of coverage can help employees maintain their standard of living if they cannot work. 


Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-term care insurance is a type of benefit that helps cover the cost of long-term care services. This type of coverage can help employees prepare for needing extended care in the future. 


Other Voluntary Benefits

Recently, employers have added certain voluntary benefit options in addition to the standard benefits. These include: 


  • Pet insurance
  • Corporate wellness programs
  • Student loan repayment
  • Personal travel insurance
  • Legal services


Advantages Of Voluntary Benefits To Employers


It Helps To Attract And Retain Top Talent: By offering voluntary benefits, employers can show that they care about their employees’ well-being beyond just their work for the company. This can help to attract and retain top talent. 


It Helps To Create A More Productive Workforce: Employees who feel supported by their employer are more likely to be productive workforce members. 


It Can Save The Company Money: Offering voluntary benefits can save the company money in the long run. By providing employees with resources to help them stay healthy and manage their stress, employers can avoid costly health problems down the road.


Employers should speak with their benefits providers to learn more about the health and benefits available and how they can help support their employees. Employees should also speak with their employer to learn more about the benefits available to them and how they can help meet their needs.


Advantages Of Voluntary Benefits To Employees


Voluntary benefits give employees the ability to choose the coverage that best meets their needs: Employees can choose the coverage that best meets their needs, which can help them feel more secure in knowing that they have the protection they need. 


Voluntary benefits can help to save employees money: By offering voluntary benefits, employers can help employees to save money on things like pet insurance, legal services, and more. 


 Voluntary benefits can help create a more productive workforce: Employees who feel supported by their employer are more likely to be productive members of the workforce.


Start Planning Your Employee Benefits

There are several strategies that businesses may take to increase wellness in their organizations. It might be tough to know where to begin. At Nesso Benefits, we’re dedicated to assisting businesses in creating employee benefit programs that will best fit their needs. 


At Nesso Group, we can help you design and implement a program that meets your organization’s unique needs. If you’re interested in creating an employee benefits program, we encourage you to contact us today. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and help get you started on creating a better workplace.



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