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Nesso Wealth Offers Life Insurance in Connecticut

Many people avoid financial planning because they think it will be too difficult or time-consuming. Others may feel like they don’t need it because they’re doing well financially. However, financial…

April 25, 2023

Written by Trey Bongiovanni

Many people avoid financial planning because they think it will be too difficult or time-consuming. Others may feel like they don’t need it because they’re doing well financially. However, financial planning is crucial for everyone, regardless of income or net worth. It can help you save, pay off debt, and make wise investment decisions. In addition, you can prepare for retirement and other life events. Life insurance is one of the most important financial planning tools, which can protect your family if something happens to you. If you don’t know how to start planning your finances, the experts at Nesso Wealth can help.

At Nesso Wealth, we provide comprehensive financial planning services for individuals and families in Connecticut. We’ve served many clients in the state, and we’re confident we can assist you too. Our qualified advisors will work with you to create a roadmap that meets your short-term and long-term goals. We can also help you understand the different aspects of financial planning, including life insurance. Please fill out our form today to schedule a consultation; we’ll connect you with one of our experts as soon as possible. If you start soon, you’ll be more likely to have a secure financial future.


Understand Financial Planning

Financial planning is setting short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals and creating plans to achieve them. You must consider your current financial situation, your risk tolerance, and other factors if you want to succeed. Financial planning also involves creating a budget and sticking to it. This process can be complex, but it’s important to remember that a budget isn’t about depriving yourself of things you want. Instead, it’s about ensuring you’re spending your money in a way that aligns with your goals. When done correctly, financial planning can get you closer to financial freedom and security.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Nesso Wealth today for help with your financial planning. Whether you’re just starting, getting close to retirement, or well into your golden years, our team knows how to help. We realize that wealth means different things to different people, and everyone has unique goals. Perhaps you might be trying to purchase a home, pay for your child’s college tuition, or leave an inheritance. Regardless, we’ll tailor our wealth management services to meet your needs and help you develop a plan that works for you. One of the areas we’ll focus on is risk management, which our experts will be happy to discuss with you.

Discussing Risk Management With Our Clients

Everyone faces several risks in life, and you have to be prepared if you want to minimize the potential damages. While we can avoid some of them, others are practically unavoidable. Here are some of the most common risks you should be aware of:

Market Risks

The stock market can be volatile, so you should know how to mitigate your losses. While there’s always the potential to make a lot of money, there’s also the possibility of losing everything you’ve put in. Market risk means that the overall market can experience a downturn at any time, and your investments will lose value.

Business Risks

Even if you’re a successful entrepreneur, you can still run into unexpected problems that could jeopardize your business. These risks could come from competition, customer satisfaction, or a rise in costs.

Inflation Risks

Inflation can erode the value of your money over time. The cost of goods and services rises due to inflation, so you must ensure that your investment income remains ahead of inflation.

Life Risks

It’s essential to consider what would happen if you become permanently disabled or pass away unexpectedly. In these situations, you’d want your loved ones to be taken care of financially; this is where life insurance can help.

As you can see, there are many risks you have to consider. Fortunately, our team at Nesso Wealth is here to help you better comprehend them and figure out how to manage them. During your consultation, we’ll review these risks and create a plan that offers the best protection. Our advisors will explain everything you need to know so you can make informed decisions. With our guidance, you’ll be able to plan for the future and feel secure about your financial status.

Our Life Insurance Policies

Life insurance provides financial security to those who depend on you. There’s the policyholder, who pays premiums, and the beneficiary, who will receive a death benefit if something happens to you. Nesso Wealth offers several types of life insurance policies designed to fit different needs:

Term Life Insurance

A term policy provides coverage for a certain period. The beneficiaries can use the death benefit to cover the costs of funeral expenses, outstanding debts, or whatever else they wish.

Universal Life Insurance

This type of policy offers flexibility and is ideal for those who want to build tax-deferred savings while having access to their funds if needed.

Whole-Life Insurance

Unlike other life insurance policies, whole-life policies provide lifelong protection. Your premiums typically remain level throughout the entire duration of this policy, so you don’t have to worry about them increasing as you age.

How Our Life Insurance Works

There are three parts involved in life insurance: the death benefit, premiums, and cash value. The death benefit is the amount the insurance company will pay the beneficiary if you pass away. The premiums are the payments you make to maintain coverage throughout the life of your policy. They can vary based on age, health, and other factors. Lastly, the cash value is the part of your premiums that accumulate over time as an interest-bearing savings account. The specifics of the policy will depend on the type of life insurance you choose, but you won’t have to worry about making the wrong choice with Nesso Wealth’s help.

At Nesso Wealth, we carry relationships with some of the most reliable and reputable life insurance companies. We’ll help you compare different policies and find the best option for your needs and budget. You’ll be the one to make the critical decisions, but we’ll always be there to offer our expertise and guidance.

Benefits of Our Life Insurance

Investing in our life insurance can bring many benefits, including the following:

Financial Security

Try to imagine if something happened to you. If you’re your family’s primary breadwinner, your absence could jeopardize their financial future. They could take on additional jobs or sell their home to make ends meet. Your family can avoid this situation and remain financially secure with life insurance.

Tax Benefits

The cash value in your policy will accumulate tax-deferred, meaning you won’t have to pay taxes on the growth until you withdraw it. Depending on the type of policy you choose, there may be exclusions from estate taxes for any death benefit paid out after you pass away.

Loan Option

Some policies offer a loan option that allows you to borrow against your cash value for short-term needs such as college tuition or home improvement projects. This money is yours and doesn’t have to be repaid in case of your death.


Life insurance provides confidence in knowing you have a strategy to protect your loved ones after passing. You’ll also allow them to make decisions more confidently without worrying about finances.  

Our Proven Process

Getting To Know You and Your Situation

We start by getting to know you and your situation. We’ll discuss your goals, available resources, family dynamics, and other factors that could influence the type of life insurance coverage that will work best for you. You can expect us to ask the following questions:

  • Who would the policy cover?
  • How long do you need coverage for?
  • What are your budget concerns?
  • Do you have any particular circumstances we should consider?

Remember that this step is crucial because it allows us to tailor a policy to fit your needs. Any additional information you can give us will help us ensure we match you with the right approach.

Finding The Best Provider and Policy For You

After understanding your situation, we’ll start researching providers and policies to find your best options. We’ll explain all the specific terms and provide an in-depth comparison so you don’t have to do it alone. We want you to feel comfortable with your decision before signing any paperwork.

Completing the Purchase

Once we’ve narrowed our selections and you’re ready to purchase a policy, we’ll complete all the paperwork with you and submit it on time. You won’t have to worry about missing deadlines or relevant details. We’ll also remain available for assistance once your insurance is in place. We can review it with you, answer questions that might arise, and adjust it as your life situation changes.

Contact Nesso Wealth for Life Insurance Assistance in Connecticut

We understand how intimidating it can be to navigate the world of life insurance; that’s why we’re here to assist. Our team at Nesso Wealth is committed to walking you through every step and helping you find the best coverage for your circumstances. We offer several other risk management solutions, so feel free to contact us to discuss what options are available for you. Schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable agents today, and let’s start creating the perfect plan for you.


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