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Nesso Wealth Offers Financial Planning Services in Connecticut

Planning for the future can be intimidating, especially when you don’t know where to begin. Due to its financial implications, you may feel even more stressed if you’re a business…

April 26, 2023

Written by Justin Sloan

Planning for the future can be intimidating, especially when you don’t know where to begin. Due to its financial implications, you may feel even more stressed if you’re a business owner or your family’s breadwinner. Perhaps you’re just starting this new stage in life and need reassurance that you’re taking the proper steps. Or maybe your finances have been doing well, but you want to guarantee they stay that way. Either way, a reliable financial advisor can provide guidance, educate you on your options, and assess the risks associated with various decisions; that’s where Nesso Wealth comes in.

At Nesso Wealth, we offer financial planning services for individuals and businesses in Milldale, CT, designed to help you identify and work toward your long-term goals. You and our knowledgeable staff can create a unique plan tailored to your needs. We’ll be there for you step by step to offer advice and assistance. From cash-flow-based planning and risk management to business valuation and succession planning, we can provide the necessary answers and resources. Contact us today to learn more about us or our services.


Understand Our Financial Plans

A financial plan is a roadmap to where you want your finances to be in the future. It includes strategic objectives, such as making well-informed investment decisions and reducing debt so that you can pursue your goals. More importantly, it identifies potential risks and provides strategies for addressing them. A good financial plan should be able to answer the following questions:

  • What are my financial goals?
  • How can I work toward them?
  • When should I expect to meet these objectives?
  • What risks might prevent me from reaching them, and what strategies will minimize them?
  • How much money do I need to invest to reach my goals?
  • Where should I invest my money?
  • What tax strategies should I use?
  • What should I do if I want to retire sooner rather than later?

While you might be tempted to start planning independently, it’s always best to consult with our financial advisors, who will help you avoid costly mistakes. At Nesso Wealth, we’re committed to helping you build a secure future by creating a plan that makes sense for you and your family. Our team of experienced professionals will take the time to get to know you and understand what’s most important to you before providing personalized advice on sound financial decisions.

Our Financial Planning Services for Individuals


The first step in financial planning is understanding your current situation. Our advisors will help you assess your finances and identify areas that need improvement. To do this, we’ll ask questions about your income, assets, debts, expenses, lifestyle goals, and risk tolerance. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to financial planning, so getting as much information as possible is crucial. This assessment will guarantee that any strategy we suggest works with your financial picture.

Personalized Cash-Flow-Based Planning

We believe that having a sound cash-flow strategy is the foundation of good financial planning. Our approach centers on managing income, expenses, debt, and investments to ensure you have enough money for retirement or other long-term objectives. Our advisors are experts at maximizing your cash flow while preserving your wealth. They’ll look for creative solutions to help you get the most out of your money.

Risk Management

One of the most important parts of financial planning is minimizing risk. You could be left with significant financial losses if an unexpected event happens. With our advisors’ help, you can identify potential risks and create strategies to protect yourself from these threats. For example, we can suggest insurance policies or recommend putting money away in an emergency fund. Whatever it takes to make sure your finances are secure, we’ll be there to guide you.

Social Security Analysis

Social Security benefits can be a significant source of income for retirees. However, the system is complex, and there are plenty of factors to consider, like when to start collecting and how much you’ll receive. Nesso Wealth can educate you about the system and determine the best action to optimize your Social Security benefits. This way, you’ll enjoy your retirement with greater financial security, knowing you have a steady income stream.

Our Financial Planning Services for Businesses

Business Valuation

A business valuation is when you assess the worth of your company. While you could try to do this independently, it’s best to consult with our advisors, who can provide an objective assessment and determine an accurate number. There are different valuation methods, but we’ll pick the most suitable for your business and industry. Our advisors will work closely with you to deliver the most reliable estimate possible.

Tax Efficiency

Taxes can be one of the most significant expenses for businesses. Furthermore, you could be paying more than necessary if you don’t know the proper tax strategies. At Nesso Wealth, we’re experienced in your industry’s regulations and can suggest ways to reduce your tax burden. We’ll look for deductions, credits, and other methods that will allow you to keep more of your profits while remaining compliant with all regulations.

Succession Planning

Succession planning is preparing to transfer ownership or control of your business to someone else. Potential candidates could include family members, employees, or outside investors. Most importantly, you must train them properly so they can handle the responsibilities of leading your business after you retire or step down. Nesso Wealth will help you make this transition as smooth and efficient as possible.

Individual Planning

Your business is an integral part of your financial picture. Whether it involves retirement planning, estate planning, or tax reduction strategies, our advisors will ensure that your business and personal needs are in sync. We’ll analyze your financial status and objectives, so you get the most out of your business and maintain a secure lifestyle. By crafting a comprehensive plan that considers both sides of the equation, you can rest assured that your finances are in good hands.

Reasons to Choose Nesso Wealth’s Financial Planning

As you look for a financial advisor, the main focus is on finding a professional with your best interests. Also, they should be able to communicate effectively while holding similar values to yours as a client. Some of the reasons to work with Nesso Wealth include the following:

Our Services Align with Your Needs

Before hiring a financial advisor, you need to comprehend what you’re getting. Some financial advisors are experts in selecting investments, whereas others specialize in retirement planning or life insurance assistance. However, at Nesso Wealth, we’re proud to provide a full suite of services that can be custom-made for your situation. We have many areas of expertise, so you can be confident that you’ll receive quality service regardless of the solution you need. 

Honesty and Integrity are Important to Us

You deserve an advisor who will always give it to you straight. Furthermore, we believe in building relationships based on trust, so you can feel comfortable discussing your finances with us. Our advisors always act in your best interest and never make recommendations that don’t align with your goals.

You’re in Control

As a breadwinner or business owner, you ultimately control your finances. Still, we know it can be helpful to have someone guide you through the process and offer professional advice. Our goal is to provide you with the resources you need to make informed decisions, but the final choice is always up to you.

We’re Here for the Long Haul

Our goal is to build durable relationships with our clients. We want to be there for you through all the ups and downs of running a business. When you work with Nesso Wealth, you always have a coach, accountability partner, and advocate in your corner.

We Have the Experience You Can Rely On

Our financial advisors accumulate decades of experience, which means we’ve had the privilege of helping many clients work toward their financial goals. During this time, we’ve learned what works and what doesn’t. We’ll use this experience to tailor our advice to your specific situation.

We Know How to Communicate

Financial planning can be confusing and overwhelming; that’s why we take the time to explain things in plain language. We want to simplify the complex topics so you can feel confident and in control. Our goal is always to provide clear and concise advice.

Get in Touch With a Team of Financial Advisors in Milldale, CT

As you can see, Nesso Wealth in Milldale, CT, is the perfect partner for individuals and business owners looking for better wealth management. We have the experience and knowledge to assist you with everything financial planning entails for your family or business. We comprehend the challenges and opportunities of managing your wealth and are here to navigate them with you.

Remember that you can’t just set your financial plan and forget about it. The landscape is constantly changing, and external factors may affect your goals. Therefore, you must stay updated and guarantee your strategies are still relevant. Our advisors will inform you about market trends and help you modify the plan if necessary. If you’re ready to take the next step in financial planning for your business, Nesso Wealth is the answer. Please fill out our form to schedule a consultation; we look forward to hearing from you soon.


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