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Employee Benefits In Connecticut

Workforce benefits are generally perks offered to the employees in addition to their salary. The most common benefits include medical and disability insurance, life insurance, and dental and vision coverage.…

January 3, 2023

Written by Trey Bongiovanni

Workforce benefits are generally perks offered to the employees in addition to their salary. The most common benefits include medical and disability insurance, life insurance, and dental and vision coverage. Health and benefits are valuable as they help cut employee expenses in case unexpected occurrences affect their health. When applying for jobs, candidates mostly consider the benefits each organization offers and the salary when deciding where to work.

Offering comprehensive and competitive employee benefits is a necessity to lure in the top talent and keep your best performers. Nesso Benefits offers employers a full suite of employee benefits in Connecticut. We guide you and support you to design the perfect benefits package. We’ll put out decades of experience and knowledge to work for you, so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.


The Importance Of Workforce Benefits In Companies

A company thrives or collapses depending on the quality of the workforce. The most talented employees will choose an organization with attractive benefits. In addition, benefits ensure the employees’ wellness outside and inside the workplace.

A good benefits package is paramount as it makes the employees feel rewarded and appreciated. It also increases employee morale and productivity while improving the company’s reputation. At Nesso Benefits, we understand the importance of offering comprehensive benefits. We’ll work with you to tailor a benefits package that meets the needs of your business and your employees.

Importance Of Providing Employees With A Full Benefits Package

The Nesso Group’s different types of benefits include: 

1. Medical Insurance

Medical insurance specifically pays for the medical, surgical, and, in some cases, drug prescriptions costs incurred by the organization’s employees. It’s also used to reimburse the insured employees for the expenses incurred in case of an illness. Most employers often include it to entice quality employees where premiums are partially covered but may also be deducted from the employee’s paychecks.

With Nesso Benefits, you can select between a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or a Preferred Provider Option (PPO). The HMO option allows employees to go to doctors contracted by the insurance company while providing referrals for medical specialists. On the other hand, we offer both Group Benefits and self-insured programs. Under self-insured programs, the premiums are usually deducted from the payroll. In contrast, the PPOs allow the employees to visit specialists while providing lower rates for using the medical practitioners linked to the insurers.

As an employer, it’s advisable to go for the Group Benefits to ensure the entire workforce stays healthy and fit. There are small-group and large-group benefits. The small group benefits package is mostly purchased by businesses with fewer employees, while employers with many employees purchase the large group benefits.

Under our Group Benefits, the employees are accorded the same coverage level irrespective of age, occupation, or status. All employees gain access to faster diagnostic tests and treatments without leaving them with a financial burden. You may also decide to provide coverage to the employees’ immediate family members.

2. Life Insurance

A life insurance benefit provided by the employers aims at compensating the employees for the lost income in case they pass on while in their job. Nesso Benefits’ insurance policies ensure the insurer pays an amount of money to the indicated beneficiaries when the employee dies regarding the premiums paid.

The beneficiaries may use the funds received from the insurance company to cover the cost of children’s education and burial expenses without using their savings or credit. Most employees with families require insurance coverage in the event of their deaths as it helps in supporting those left behind with no one else to depend on.

3. Disability Insurance

Approximately one in every five adults in Connecticut has a disability, making life financially challenging. Disability insurance is, therefore, increasingly becoming a crucial part of the employee benefits package by filling the gaps in financial security provided by other programs like Social Security. Our disability insurance protects employees and their families against financial disaster by assisting them in meeting their daily expenses while maintaining their living standards when they can no longer perform their duties.

You may choose to offer short-term and long-term disability coverage to your employees. Our short-term disability coverage provides the employees a specific percentage of the pre-disability income, which is mostly 60 percent and covers up to six months. They’re mostly offered when the employees exhaust the short-term coverage and may cover the employee for the remainder of their lives.

In contrast, our long-term disability cover provides earnings for employees whose work is interrupted by long periods of being disabled. It’s significant as it covers the employees for the illnesses and injuries that occur outside the work, which the employee compensation coverage can’t cover.

4. Ancillary Benefits

Providing a health plan for employees is usually not enough to maintain the wellness of the workforce. Ancillary benefits are used to supplement health insurance, which includes dental and vision insurance. Research shows that dental and vision insurance covers lower medical expenses effectively in the long run. Both covers provide coverage to the employees when faced with unexpected dental and vision issues.

Diseases like Diabetes can be detected during an eye exam before the employee can exhibit other symptoms. Our ancillary benefits can either be funded voluntarily or by the employer. The employees purchase the gifts at low group rates through payroll deduction to help you provide a complete range of coverage at a low cost.

5. Voluntary Benefits

Voluntary benefits are the perks an employer offers an employee with the option to engage in or decline. You may go for voluntary benefits to cater to emergency cases as an employee or employer. Our programs guarantee that employees access specific medical benefits through premiums deducted from their payroll. The insurer lowers the cost due to access to many potential clients. You can use Nesso Benefits’ voluntary benefits as an alternative to the full medical perks.

Our Process For Designing Employee Benefits Packages

Our steps to implementing an effective employee benefits package include:

Getting In Touch With The Insurance Specialists

Offering benefits to your workers doesn’t have to be complicated. All you have to do is contact Nesso Benefits to advise you on effective programs. It’s advisable to have the specific objectives you want to achieve and the budget. We’ll be responsible for helping you navigate the entire process to find the best plan for your business, depending on your needs.

Cooperating To Understand The Exact Needs Of The Client To Recommend An Innovative And Integrated Solution

The Nesso Benefits team will work directly with you while advising on all areas of expertise to provide an integrated insurance solution. We understand all your needs and propose the best solution based on the needs of your employees and organization. You’re free to raise your concerns and questions while our specialists advise you.

Depending on your organization’s objectives and budget for the benefit programs, we’ll inform you on the best solution, which you’re free to choose. In addition, depending on the number of employees in your organization, you may be eligible for various policies such as group schemes or self-insured programs.

The Proactive Approach Leaves One With An Insurance Plan Tailored To Your Needs

After explaining your needs, our team employs a proactive approach to give you the best solution for your employees’ benefits package. We give you control and allow your employees to make good choices for their health. We work considering your best interests to ensure success in the implementation. Our team also takes on the administrative work of providing the workforce benefits while relieving them from the work that comes with the implementation.

Work With The Nesso Benefits Team 

Employee health and benefits are crucial to every organization or business. The Nesso Group provides employee benefits packages that meet all your employees’ health needs. We offer integrated insurance benefits, which has helped us build a portfolio of loyal clients in Connecticut over the years. Our benefits include life insurance, disability insurance, medical insurance, ancillary benefits, and voluntary benefits.

Exceptionally, the Nesso Group’s connected expert team offers all the services so that our clients can obtain them in one consolidated location. With more than fifty members, our team is dependable and works towards alleviating stress in your organization while ensuring success. We take time to understand your needs, then educate you on your options to provide custom-connected solutions.

We use a proactive approach that helps you gain control by regulating the cost of the benefits provided to your employees while ensuring the workers’ health is prioritized. Our team will educate the employees and the employers on the packages available. We understand that different employers and individuals have different needs and goals, so we give special attention to every client. A team of specialists creates each plan alongside the client to ensure a clear understanding of the process.

If you want to bring extra smiles to the faces of your employees, it’s crucial that you motivate and appreciate their efforts. Offering benefits to them can go a long way in helping you achieve this goal. With a team of experts to ensure the client’s needs are taken care of, Nesso Group is an excellent option for solutions involving employee benefits. Do you plan to have an employee benefits program in your organization or business? Consider Nesso Benefits. 


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