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Dental and Vision Insurance in Connecticut

Employee benefits are an essential part of any company’s compensation package. They can help attract and keep top talent while providing a valuable safety net for employees and their families.…

December 13, 2022

Written by Trey Bongiovanni

Employee benefits are an essential part of any company’s compensation package. They can help attract and keep top talent while providing a valuable safety net for employees and their families. You may find designing a benefits program stressful due to the many options available and the ever-changing regulations. For example, dental and vision plans are two of the most popular perks, but you’ll have to decide if you want a group or individual plan. Luckily, Nesso Benefits can help regardless of your choice.

At Nesso Benefits, we understand the challenges of employee benefits; we offer comprehensive services to design, implement, and manage benefits programs in Connecticut. We’ll work with you to create a program that meets your employees’ needs while staying within your budget. Plus, we’ll handle all the paperwork and red tape associated with benefits so you can focus on running your business. Contact us today to get started.


Our Dental And Vision Ancillary Benefits

Business owners can offer dental and vision ancillary benefits to supplement a group health insurance plan. This way, your employees can have more comprehensive coverage with minimum cost to your business. Ancillary benefits are payroll-deducted, which means employees can choose to enroll in the coverage they want, and pay for it.

Since your employees will be the dental and vision plans beneficiaries, we’ll take the time to get to know them. We realize that not everyone has equal dental and vision needs, so we’ll create a custom plan for your business. In addition, it’s crucial that you ensure they understand the coverage and how to use it. Otherwise, they may not take advantage of the benefits or use a non-covered service and get stuck with a bill. Nesso Benefits will provide the resources you need to educate your employees about their ancillary benefits.

Our Individual Dental And Vision Plans

At Nesso Benefits, we also have dental and vision plans for individuals and families in Connecticut. Does your employer not offer these benefits as part of their compensation package? No problem. Our individual plans provide quality coverage for essential dental and vision care services. Not having these benefits can result in high out-of-pocket costs whenever you need to visit the dentist or optometrist, which can quickly become overwhelming.

Whether self-employed, unemployed, or retired, we can help you get the coverage you want. Like our group option, we’ll assess your needs and find the perfect plan for you. Plus, we’ll be available to answer any questions you have about using your coverage. We aim to help you get the most out of your dental and vision plans.

What Our Vision Plan Can Include

Nesso Benefits offers comprehensive vision plans to keep your employees’ eyes healthy and sharp; this also applies if you prefer an individual plan. Here are a few of the services:

  • Routine eye exams and vision screenings
  • Discounts on glasses, lenses, and contact lenses
  • Discounts on laser vision correction surgery
  • Treatment for common eye conditions (e.g., pink eye)
  • Emergency eye care
  • Coverage for special needs (e.g., low vision aids)
  • Discounts on over-the-counter eye care products

We’ll work with you to determine which you should include in your vision plan. Suppose you have a lot of employees who wear glasses or contacts. In that case, offering a higher reimbursement rate for those expenses may make sense. Alternatively, if you think your team would benefit from regular vision screenings, it can be included.

What Our Dental Plan Can Include

Nesso Benefits’ dental plans are just as comprehensive as our vision plans. Here’s what our dental plans can cover:

  • Routine teeth cleanings and exams
  • X-rays
  • Fillings
  • Crowns and bridges
  • Dentures and implants
  • Emergency dental care
  • Treatment for gum disease

Similarly, we’ll include the perks and services that will benefit you or your employees the most. You may want to prioritize preventive care like teeth cleanings and exams. Or, if you have team members at high risk for cavities or gum disease, you might want to offer coverage for those services. A customizable Nesso Benefits plan allows you to control what your dental plan covers.

The Benefits Of Having Our Dental And Vision Plans

Aside from the fact that dental and vision care is essential to maintaining good health, there are other advantages of investing in Nesso Benefits’ services.

They Can Attract And Retain Employees

Offering quality benefits is a great way to show employees that you care about their well-being. In turn, this can help you attract and retain top talent. After all, who wouldn’t want to work for a company that prioritizes their health?

They Can Improve Productivity

When your employees are healthy, they’re more productive, which can positively impact your bottom line. By getting Nesso Benefits’ dental and vision plans, you’re not only helping your employees, but you’re also helping your business.

They Can Help You Avoid Absenteeism

Regular dental and vision check-ups can help catch potential health problems early before they become absences from work. If a team member gets a routine eye exam and is diagnosed with a vision problem, they can get the treatment they need to avoid missing work.

They Can Save You Money In The Long Run

Whether you’re a business owner or not, investing in dental and vision care can save you money in the long run. For instance, if you or a team member gets a cavity, it’s much cheaper to pay for a filling than it is to pay for a root canal. The same goes for vision problems. Catching problems early will prevent more expensive problems down the road.

Who Can Use Our Dental And Vision Plan Benefits Services

Investing in Nesso Benefits’ dental and vision plans is a smart move for everyone. However, we think they’re especially beneficial for the following groups of people:

Business Owners And Entrepreneurs

As a business owner, you know that employees keep your business running. Therefore, you should do everything possible to attract and retain top talent. One of the best ways to do that is by offering quality benefits, like our dental and vision plans.

Company CFOs

At Nesso Benefits, we believe that a company’s financial health is crucial, just like the physical health of its employees. CFOs should understand that investing in benefits like dental and vision plans can save the company money in the long run.

Human Resources Professionals

If you work in HR, you want to ensure that employees are happy and healthy. And our benefits packages can go a long way in achieving that goal. Working with Nesso Benefits to set up a dental and vision plan shows you’re looking out for your team’s best interest.


You should take advantage of every perk in your company’s benefits package if you’re an employee. However, if it doesn’t include dental and vision plans, you can still purchase them for yourself or your family. Remember that your health is your most valuable asset. And while some benefits, like dental and vision plans, are often overlooked, Nesso Benefits understands their importance.

Things We’ll Consider When Suggesting Dental And Vision Plans To Businesses

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to dental and vision plans. The type of plan we’ll suggest to a business will depend on several factors, including:

Your Company Size

As your company grows, you’ll be responsible for an increasingly large number of employees. Your number of employees will impact the type of dental and vision plans we suggest. At Nesso Benefits, we’ll recommend a benefits plan that can scale along with your business.

The Demographics Of Your Workforce

If you have a lot of employees in their 20s and 30s, they’ll likely have different dental and vision needs than employees in their 40s and 50s. We’ll tailor the specific dental and vision perks included in your plan to the age range of your workforce.

Your Industry

Physically demanding jobs can affect employees’ dental and vision health. We’ll present you with dental and vision plans that offer more comprehensive coverage if you work in a high-risk sector.

Of course, these are just a few examples. We’ll learn everything we can about your business during our onboarding process. Then, we’ll use that information and work with you to find the dental and vision plan that aligns best with your current circumstances. We have a wide range of providers, so we’re confident that we can find something that’s a good fit for your company. In addition, we’ll provide ongoing support to guarantee that the plan is working as intended.

Nesso Benefits Helps You Design The Perfect Dental And Vision Plans For You Or Your Business

At Nesso Benefits, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality dental and vision care. Contact us today to learn more about our health and benefits packages in Connecticut, including dental and vision plans. Our team is experienced and highly professional, and they’ll do everything on their hands to provide a plan that gives your employees flexibility in their lives. 

We’ll be there to guide you through the entire process and ready to answer any questions you may have. We’re also part of the Nesso Group, which offers businesses and individuals numerous solutions, such as accounting, tax, insurance, Medicare, and more. Work with us, and know you’ll be in good hands.


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