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All You Need To Know About Fully Insured Medical Programs

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, or in a leadership position, you know that finding the right medical insurance plan is essential. When you’re looking for medical insurance, there are…

August 31, 2022

Written by Nikki Grillo

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, or in a leadership position, you know that finding the right medical insurance plan is essential. When you’re looking for medical insurance, there are a lot of things to think about. But one of the most important decisions you’ll make is whether to go with a fully insured or self-funded program. Here’s a look at some of the pros and cons of both options, so you can make the best decision for your business. 

What Is Medical Insurance?

Medical insurance is a type of insurance that helps cover the cost of medical care. It may help pay for things like hospital stays, doctor visits, and prescription drugs. There are different types of medical insurance, including private insurance, public insurance, and government-sponsored programs.


Employers typically offer private insurance as part of an employee benefits package. Public insurance includes programs like Medicaid and Medicare. Government-sponsored programs are usually means-tested, meaning that they are only available to people with low incomes or who meet other eligibility criteria. 

What Does Fully-Insured Mean?

The term “fully insured” may imply that the policy is comprehensive, but it isn’t. The conventional procedure of insuring employees via a company paying a premium to an insurance carrier is fully insured employee health insurance. Coverage benefits established with the employer are handled by the carrier following this process.


When a medical insurance plan is fully-insured, it means that the insurance company agrees to pay all of the covered medical expenses for the policyholders. The insurance company will also assume all of the financial risks for the policyholders. This type of arrangement is usually found in employer-sponsored group health insurance plans. 


With a fully-insured program, the business owner or individual is not responsible for any costs associated with medical care. The downside to this is that it can be more expensive than other plans. Fully-insured plans also typically have more restrictions than self-funded plans. 


Fully-insured plans can be either HMOs or PPOs. HMOs are usually more affordable, but they also have more restrictive networks. PPOs typically have higher premiums, but they also offer more flexibility when choosing providers. 

Types Of Fully Insured Programs

There are a few different types of fully-insured programs. The most common type is an HMO, or health maintenance organization. With an HMO, policyholders must use in-network providers. This means that they will only be covered for care that is provided by doctors and hospitals that belong to the HMO network. 


Another type of fully-insured program is a PPO or preferred provider organization. Policyholders can see out-of-network providers with a PPO, but they will typically have to pay more for care. PPOs also usually have higher premiums than HMOs. 


The third type of fully insured program is an indemnity plan. Indemnity plans are the least restrictive type of plan, and they allow policyholders to see any doctor that they want. However, these plans also typically have the highest premiums. 

Employer And Employee Responsibilities In Fully Insured Plans

In a fully insured plan, the employer is responsible for paying the premiums to the insurance company. The employee is then responsible for paying any deductibles and copayments required by the plan. 


Some of the responsibilities of the employer and the employees who are part of a fully insured medical insurance plan are:

  • The employer has the obligation of paying the fixed monthly premium rate, which can change yearly in the event of a change in the number of employees enrolled.
  • Employees and dependents are responsible for the cost of any deductibles and copayments for health care covered by the fully insured coverage.
  • Premiums are collected by the insurance carrier, which then pays healthcare claims according to the coverage provisions outlined in the company-purchased insurance policy.


Fully insured plans are, in general, more expensive for businesses. When undertaken successfully, fully insured employee health insurance plans can save your firm money while providing excellent benefits to employees. Premiums will be different based on the policy you pick for your company’s staff.


What Are The Benefits Of Fully Insured Medical Programs?

There are several benefits of having a fully insured medical program: 


  1. One of the main benefits is that it can help protect you from unexpected medical bills. If you become sick or injured, your insurance company will pay for your medical care. 


  1. Another benefit of fully insured programs is that they typically have more comprehensive coverage than self-funded plans. This means you’ll have a wider range of services covered by your plan. 


  1. Finally, fully insured plans are usually easier to set up than self-funded plans. This is because the insurance company takes on all of the risks associated with the plan. 

Are There Any Drawbacks To Fully Insured Medical Programs?

There are some disadvantages to having a fully insured medical program as well. One of the main disadvantages is that these plans can be more expensive than self-funded plans. This is because the insurance company takes on all of the risks associated with the plan. 


Another disadvantage of fully insured programs is that they typically have more restrictions than self-funded plans. This means that you may not be able to see certain doctors or get certain treatments covered by your plan. 


Finally, if you have a pre-existing medical condition, you may not be able to get coverage through a fully insured program. This is because insurance companies are allowed to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. 

Self-Funded Medical Programs

Self-funded medical programs are plans where the business owner or individual pays for all costs associated with medical care. This includes things like hospital stays, doctor visits, and prescription drugs. The business owner or individual will usually pay for preventive care, such as vaccinations. 


The upside to this is that it can be less expensive than other plans. Self-funded plans also typically have fewer restrictions than fully-insured plans. 


The main disadvantage of a self-funded program is that the business owner or individual is responsible for unexpected medical bills. This means that you could end up having to pay a large medical bill if you become sick or injured. 

What Are The Benefits Of Self-Funded Medical Programs?

There are several benefits of having a self-funded medical program:

  1. It can be more affordable than other types of plans: This is because the business owner or employer association is responsible for all costs associated with medical care. 


  1. They typically have fewer restrictions than fully-insured plans: This means you’ll have more control over your healthcare and who you see for treatment. 


  1. Self-funded plans are usually easier to set up: This is because you don’t have to go through an insurance company to set up the plan. 

Fully-Insured Health Plans’ Regulations In CT

If you’re a business owner in Connecticut, you need to be aware of the regulations surrounding fully-insured health plans. You should know that all businesses with fifty or more full-time equivalent employees must offer a health insurance plan to their employees.


The second thing you should know is that there are two types of fully-insured health plans: grandfathered and non-grandfathered. Grandfathered plans are those that were created before March 23, 2010. Non-grandfathered plans are those that were created after March 23, 2010. 


The third thing you should know is that all businesses must offer a minimum level of coverage to their employees. This level of coverage is known as essential health benefits. Essential health benefits include hospitalization, prescription drugs, and mental health services. 


Finally, you should know that all business owners in Connecticut must comply with the regulations surrounding fully-insured health plans. Failure to do so could result in penalties or fines from the state. 

Which Is Right For Your Team?

When it comes to choosing a medical insurance plan for your team, there are a lot of factors to consider. One important factor is whether you want a fully insured program or a self-funded program. 


If you’re looking for comprehensive coverage and protection from unexpected medical bills, a fully insured program is the right choice for your team. However, if you’re looking for a less expensive option, a self-funded program may be the better option.


No matter which type of plan you choose, make sure you shop around and compare different options before deciding. And remember, your needs might change over time, so it’s important to review your medical insurance periodically to make sure that it still meets your needs. 

Why You Should Pick A Fully Insured Program For Your Team

If you’re looking for a medical insurance plan for your business, you should consider a fully insured program. These plans can help protect you from unexpected medical bills and provide comprehensive coverage for your employees.  


Fully insured programs are typically more expensive than self-funded plans, but they can be worth the extra cost. This is because you won’t have to worry about paying for unexpected medical bills. 


Fully insured programs are an excellent option for businesses of all sizes. These plans offer comprehensive coverage and protection from unexpected medical bills. If you’re looking for a medical insurance plan for your business, consider a fully insured program. 

Partner With Nesso Group And Offer Your Employees The Health & Benefits Plans They Deserve

Fully insured medical insurance plans are a great way to provide your employees with comprehensive coverage and peace of mind. You can help your team stay healthy and focused on their work by offering these plans.


At Nesso Benefits, we specialize in helping businesses find the right fully insured medical insurance plans for their needs. We’ll work with you to understand your budget and find a plan that meets the needs of your employees. 


If you’re interested in learning more about fully insured medical insurance plans for your company, please get in contact. We would be happy to answer any questions or discuss options for providing coverage for your team.



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