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What You Need To Know About Estate Planning In Taxes

Estate planning is an essential but often overlooked part of financial planning for individuals and families. Regardless of their estate’s size, everyone can benefit from having an estate plan. Therefore,…


July 22, 2022

Written by John Wonneberger

Estate planning is an essential but often overlooked part of financial planning for individuals and families. Regardless of their estate’s size, everyone can benefit from having an estate plan. Therefore, while it can be a difficult conversation to have, starting the process of estate planning as early as possible is a must if you want to protect your loved ones and your assets.

One of the critical components of estate planning is taxes. Understanding your estate’s tax implications can ensure that your loved ones aren’t burdened with a large tax bill after you pass away. There are various ways to minimize taxes on your estate, and with the right advice, you can create a plan that fits you and your family’s unique circumstances.

This blog post will cover the fundamentals of estate planning, including what it is, its importance, how taxes play into the process, and more. We’ll also explain key estate planning concepts, such as wills, durable power of attorney, and advanced directives. Keep reading to understand better this valuable financial planning tool and how taxes impact your plans.

What Is Estate Planning?

Estate planning is arranging how your assets will be managed in the event of your death or incapacitation. Some of the things you’ll have to decide include who will receive your assets and how and when they will receive them. Estate planning can also involve making provisions for your care if you become incapacitated.

An estate plan can be as simple as having a valid will or much more complex. In addition to a will or trust, it may include healthcare decision-making provisions, asset protection, and tax minimization. A good estate plan will consider your situation and goals. You should also review it and update it regularly to make sure it still meets your needs.

The Importance Of Estate Planning

While estate planning is often thought of as something that only wealthy people need to concern themselves with, everyone should have at least a basic understanding of the process. It can give you peace of mind knowing that the people you care about will be taken care of after you pass away. Having an estate plan also guarantees that your assets will be distributed according to your wishes and not by your state’s law.

Your loved ones may have to go through probate without an estate plan, which is the legal process of distributing a person’s assets after death. It can be lengthy and expensive, and it can also be stressful for your loved ones during an already difficult time. Likewise, if you become incapacitated without an estate plan, your family may have to make complex decisions about your care without knowing what you’d want.

How Do Taxes Play Into Estate Planning?

In addition to the relief that comes with having an estate plan, there are also financial benefits to consider. One of the most important is minimizing taxes on your estate. When a person dies, their assets are subject to an “estate tax.” The estate tax is a federal tax levied on the value of a person’s assets at death. The amount owed depends on the estate’s value and the beneficiaries’ relationship to the deceased.

Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce the estate tax owed. For example, you can give gifts during your lifetime, which can help to reduce the value of your estate. You can also set up trusts to hold assets and minimize taxes. Plus, depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for some deductions and credits.

How Can Tax Services Help You In Estate Planning?

While you’re not required to have a lawyer or accountant for estate planning, working with someone experienced in this area can be helpful. Tax laws are constantly changing, and it can be challenging to keep up with the latest developments; that’s where tax services can help. A qualified tax professional can assist you in:

  • Understanding the current tax laws and how they apply to your situation.
  • Ensuring your estate plan is complete and up-to-date.
  • Valuing your assets and determining the best way to distribute them.
  • Minimizing the taxes owed on your estate, taking advantage of deductions, credits, and other strategies.

Overall, by working with a tax service, you can ensure that your estate is in good hands. Investing in estate planning now can save you a lot of time, money, and stress in the future.

Understanding Wills

What Is A Will?

A will is a legal document that dictates what happens to your assets after you die. It allows you to appoint a guardian for your minor children, specify who should receive your property, and name an executor to fulfill your wishes. You can also use a will to forgive debts and make charitable donations.

How Does A Will Work?

When you die, your will is presented to the probate court. The court will then designate an executor to carry out your wishes. The executor will inventory your assets, pay your debts, and distribute your property according to your wishes.

What Are The Different Types Of Wills?

There are two main types of wills: testamentary and living. A testamentary will is a written document signed by you and the witnesses. On the other hand, a living will allows you to specify your medical treatment preferences if you become incapacitated. Living wills fall under the category of advance directives, which we’ll discuss in more detail below.

Why Are Wills Important?

Wills are necessary because they’re the best way to ensure that your wishes are carried out after you die. Additionally, if you have minor children, it’s crucial to appoint a guardian for them in your will.

Durable Power Of Attorney

What Is A Durable Power Of Attorney?

A Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) is also a legal instrument in which you (the “principal”) appoint someone else (your “agent” or “attorney-in-fact”) to act on your behalf. The authority granted in a DPOA can be broad or limited, depending on your needs.

How Does It Work?

You can use a DPOA to give someone else the authority to handle your finances. For example, if you become injured and can’t work, your DPOA can give your agent the ability to pay your bills and manage your financial affairs. They can also sign documents and contracts for you.

You can define when a Power Of Attorney goes into effect: if it’s “durable,” it will only take effect if you become incapacitated. Oppositely, an “immediate” Power Of Attorney takes effect as soon as you sign the document. 

Why Are Durable Power Of Attorney Important?

DPOAs are important because they allow you to appoint someone to act on your behalf if something happens to you. Without a DPOA, your family would have to go to court to get someone appointed as your guardian or conservator.

It’s recommendable to implicitly choose someone you trust to be your agent, as they will have great power over your finances and health care. You should also team up with someone organized and detail-oriented, as they will need to keep records of all the decisions they make for you.

Advanced Directives

What Is An Advanced Directive?

An advanced directive is a legal instrument in which you can indicate your medical treatment preferences if you become ill on incapacitated. You can include things like whether or not you want to be on life support, what kind of pain medication you want to receive, and when you want to receive palliative care.

How Do Advanced Directives Work?

In case of unexpected incapacitation, your advanced directive will be used to guide your medical team in making decisions about your care. For example, if you have specified that you don’t want to receive life-sustaining treatment, your medical team won’t provide such treatment if it becomes necessary.

Why Are Advanced Directives Important?

Advanced directives are important because they allow you to control your medical care if you become unable to make decisions. Without an advanced directive, your family would have to decide about your care without knowing your preferences. Furthermore, advanced directives can help avoid family conflict about what kind of medical treatment you should receive.

When Should You Update Your Estate Plan, And Why?

You should review and update your estate plan every few years or whenever there’s a significant life event, such as:

  • Getting married
  • Having a child
  • Buying a house
  • Moving to another state

Naturally, your needs and wishes may change over time. Plus, the laws governing estate planning are constantly changing, so you should try to keep your documents up-to-date. As mentioned, working with a tax and estate planning expert can be very helpful in this process.

Nesso Tax – Helping You Today So You Can Plan For Tomorrow

At Nesso Tax, we understand the importance of estate planning and are here to simplify things for you. We can provide you with the documents you need to ensure that you fulfill your wishes, and we’ll work together to update your estate plan as required. We specialize in management, coordination, and, above all, helping you see the whole picture of your finances.

Our team members always act with the utmost professionalism and integrity. We’ll be pleased to answer any inquiries you may have. Nesso Tax is part of the Nesso Group, a Connecticut-based full-service financial and insurance company that works with businesses of all kinds. We aim to give our clients the resources they need to make informed decisions about their finances and plan for their future.


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