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Top Commercial Insurance Agents In Connecticut 

Nesso Insurance has provided insurance services to Connecticut businesses with the help of agents with decades of experience. We understand the unique needs of companies in this state and offer various coverage options to meet those needs. From property and liability insurance to workers’ compensation and business insurance, we have the expertise to guide you in choosing the best coverage option.

Get in touch with us to answer all your questions about insurance in Connecticut and help you protect your business. Our licensed experts stand by to offer comprehensive support for your commercial or business insurance needs. We care about our clients who care about their employees. Feel confident with your decision and contact a skilled agent today.

Understand Our Business Insurance

Business insurance is vital for any business owner. It protects your business from potential financial losses resulting from lawsuits, property damage, accidents, and more. There are many different business insurance types, and choosing the right coverage for your specific situation is essential. At Nesso Insurance, our team specializes in helping you comprehend what you need and what matters most. We’ll get to know you with a trained ear, explain your position, educate you on your options, and design a plan so you can enjoy more of what matters to you.

Our Different Business Insurance Policies 

Nesso Insurance helps you choose from many business insurance policies, including general liability, property, automobile, workers’ compensation, and umbrella insurance. We can provide adequate information to our clients, considering the specific type of needs they may have. We carry relationships with various quality insurance carriers, so you have options to select from and coverage at prices that fit your budget.

Here are some business insurance policies we offer:


A bond is a financial guarantee an insurance company provides to a business. The bond’s purpose is to protect the company from losses due to a party’s failure to fulfill its obligations. There are different types of bonds, and each has its purpose. In general, governments and other organizations often require them to reduce risk.

Nesso Insurance will work with you to find the proper bond for your business and guarantee the process is as smooth as possible. Our performance bonds ensure that the work will be fully and satisfactorily completed according to the terms. On the other hand, with our payment bonds, subcontractors and suppliers can be confident they’ll receive payment for their work on a project. And our indemnity bonds protect companies from losses due to a party’s breach of an agreement.

Builder’s Risk

Another policy you might need is builder’s risk insurance. This type of insurance protects companies that are in the process of constructing or renovating a commercial property. Builders’ risk policies can cover the cost of repairing or replacing damaged equipment, materials, and structures. They can also provide coverage for losses due to fire, severe weather, theft, and other unforeseen events.

Our experienced insurance professionals can help determine if builder’s risk insurance makes sense for you. If it does, you won’t have to worry about out-of-pocket costs if something goes wrong during construction. You’ll be covered against disasters like fire, windstorms, collapses, and theft. If you lose something, we’ll replace it. Remember that the policy’s cost is a fraction of what you’d pay if your project were damaged or destroyed.

Commercial Property

Commercial property insurance protects your business property from damage or loss, including buildings, equipment, inventory, and furniture. It can also cover loss of income if your business has to shut down due to property damage. This policy is vital for any business owner because it can help you recover from a significant loss. Many business owners think their regular business insurance will cover their property, but this is often not the case.

At Nesso Insurance, we’re experts in the field of commercial property insurance. We’ll gather all the necessary data to assess risk, detect gaps in your coverage, and present you with accurate quotes. We can walk with you step by step and get everything set up quickly and easily.

Employment Practice Liability

With employment practice liability insurance, you have protection against lawsuits made by employees alleging employment-related issues. This type of coverage is important for any business that employs people. It can help you avoid the costs of defending yourself against these types of claims, which can be significant.

Nesso Insurance can work with you to establish an insurance plan that may include settling employment-related claims, including wrongful termination, discrimination, and sexual harassment. It can help you cover the cost of defending yourself in court and any damages that may be awarded.

Worker’s Compensation

Worker’s compensation insurance is a type of insurance that provides benefits to employees who are injured or become ill due to their job. Benefits can include medical expenses, income replacement, and death benefits. Worker’s compensation insurance is typically mandatory in most jurisdictions, meaning employers must provide their employees’ coverage.

Our worker’s compensation insurance can help protect employees from financial hardship in a workplace injury or illness. It can also help to ensure that businesses are held accountable for providing safe working conditions.

General Liability

General liability insurance protects businesses of all sizes against various potential risks, such as bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury. It can also provide coverage for things like product liability and advertising injury.

Nesso Insurance offers general liability insurance for businesses of all sizes. No one is immune to accidents, and as a business owner, you need to be ready for the unexpected. Thanks to our policy, you can focus on running your business and leave the worry to us.

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for liability claims that exceed the limit of your other liability policies. When you have umbrella insurance, you get the high-liability coverage you need to protect your assets plus the insurance you already have.

Nesso Insurance can help you select the right business insurance products to include in your umbrella policy. Whether it’s legal costs, medical bills, damage to other people’s property, or judgment and settlements, we can help you be secure for anything. Forget about the worry and stress, and let us help you get comprehensive coverage for your business.

Business Owner’s Policy

When it comes to business insurance, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. The type of coverage you need will depend on the specific risks faced by your business. However, many companies will find that a business owner’s policy (BOP) is an excellent place to start. A BOP is an insurance package typically includes property damage, liability, and business interruption coverage.

Nesso Insurance offers a variety of BOPs tailored to meet the needs of businesses in a wide range of industries. We’ll help replace lost income if your company has to close due to a covered event and cover the cost of repairs or replacement for damaged property. In addition, we’ll help you pay the legal fees if someone files a lawsuit against your business. We’ll also compensate your employees if they’re injured on the job.

REI (Real Estate Investment) Insurance

Real estate investment insurance (REI) protects the real estate investor against loss or damage to the property they have invested in. REI insurance is essential for any investor, as it can help prevent losses due to several risks.

Please complete our REI insurance questionnaire to get a tailored quote for your real estate investment portfolio. We’ll consider the value of your property, the location, and the type of investment, and we’ll provide you with a policy that covers your specific risks. Whether you’re just starting in real estate investing or you’ve been doing it for years, we can help you protect your investment.

Business Auto Insurance

Business auto insurance protects your business if one of your employees causes an accident while driving on behalf of the company. It can also provide coverage if you or your employees are involved in an accident with another business vehicle. In addition, this policy can help to protect your company’s assets if one of your vehicles is damaged or stolen.

If you’re unsure whether your business needs auto insurance, speak with one of our insurance agents to assess your situation. They will be able to provide you with quotes from different insurers and help you find the right coverage for your business.

Get Qualified Advice From The Professionals At Nesso Group

Nesso Insurance offers various services designed to meet each client’s unique needs. Nesso Insurance agents provide comprehensive guidelines for commercial coverage options, including Commercial Property, Worker’s Compensation, and General Liability. By doing so, we can simplify your insurance experience. We prioritize transparency and will work with you every step of the way.  

At the Nesso Group, we’re committed to providing the best possible service to our clients. Nesso Insurance is part of the Nesso Group, dedicated to helping individuals and businesses succeed. By having skilled professionals by your side, you can feel confident knowing your business insurance covers situations that otherwise would be costly for you.

Contact Nesso Insurance today to learn more about our services and how we can help you obtain the best insurance coverage. Thank you for considering Nesso Insurance as your source for insurance coverage advice. Let us get started.

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