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Selecting A Trustee In Connecticut

Many people think they don’t need to set up a trust because they don’t have a large estate. However, trusts can be valuable for people of all income levels and…

December 13, 2022

Written by Kevin

Many people think they don’t need to set up a trust because they don’t have a large estate. However, trusts can be valuable for people of all income levels and asset sizes due to their many benefits. One of the most critical aspects of creating a trust is choosing a trustee, as selecting the wrong trustee can lead to costly delays and even legal battles. If you need support selecting a trustee in Connecticut, Nesso Wealth can assist you. 

At Nesso Wealth, we’re a team of financial advisors committed to helping our clients make the best decisions for their future. We offer various estate planning services, including trust creation and trustee selection. We’ll answer any questions about the role and connect you with a trustee that fits your unique needs. Contact us today to get started; we look forward to helping you safeguard your assets and your loved ones’ future.


How Our Estate Planning And Selecting A Trustee Services Can Help You Grow Your Wealth

Wealth management is protecting and growing your assets to provide long-term financial security. It involves many different aspects, from where you invest your money to how much insurance you have. An integral part of wealth management is estate planning, or the process of organizing your finances and property for after your death. Depending on how many estate planning documents you have in place, the process can be more or less complex. However, at Nesso Wealth, we make it as straightforward as possible. 

By working with us, you can feel confident knowing you’re on the right track to protect your wealth and loved ones. If you don’t have a trust, we can assist you in creating one and selecting a trustee. Or, if you already have one but are unhappy with your current trustee, we can find you a new one. Even the best-drafted document will fail to meet your goals if the chosen trustee fails to perform their role correctly. Once we’ve found the right person, you’ll be able to see the many benefits of having a trust, such as avoiding probate court, reducing estate taxes, and more.

What’s A Trustee, And Why Should You Let Us Help You Find One?

To comprehend what a trustee is and why you might need one, you must understand trusts first. A trust is an arrangement in which one person or institution holds property for the trustor’s benefit. Some trusts aim to help manage assets during the trustor’s lifetime, while others are created to provide for the beneficiaries after the trustor’s death. The trustee is the person or institution responsible for managing a trust. They have the legal duty to administer the trust according to the terms set forth by the trustor.

At Nesso Wealth, we realize that choosing a trustee is a big decision, and we’re here to help you through the process. We deeply understand the ins and outs of trusts, including everything from the tax implications to the necessary paperwork. We can navigate together the complex world of trusts, ensuring that you select someone who will have your best interests at heart. After all, our goal is to help you pursue your financial goals and build a bright future.

Carson Private Trust: Our Team Of Trustees

Our group of trustees and estate planning experts, Carson Private Trust, specializes in delivering reliable trust services to individuals and families throughout Connecticut. They’ll integrate with your financial planner to provide the best possible care for your trust. Carson Private Trust has a reputation for excellence and is one of the few teams in Connecticut solely dedicated to administering trusts. Therefore, you can expect the highest level of customer service, transparency, and fiduciary responsibility.

You won’t have to change your current advisor, investment philosophy, portfolio holding, or asset management style when you work with Carson Private Trust. According to the terms of your agreement, they’ll carry out fiduciary trust administration responsibilities. At the same time, your Nesso Wealth investment advisor will manage the investments. Together, we’ll provide the same excellent service and advice you’re used to, with the added benefit of trust management.

Among other benefits, working with Carson Private Trust can provide the following benefits:

Trust Management By Professionals

While some choose a family member or friend to serve as trustee, this isn’t always the best option. Carson Private Trust’s professional trustees will manage your trust properly and keep things running smoothly.

Experience And Legal Knowledge

Managing a trust requires specialized legal knowledge and the ability to make informed decisions. Carson Private Trust will take care of all the details and paperwork, so you don’t have to worry about it.

Continued Investment Management

Carson Private Trust will manage your trust, but Nesso Wealth will still manage your investments. You’ll have a seamless transition and receive the same quality service.

Experienced Professionals

Carson Private Trust has plenty of experience serving as trustees in Connecticut. They can manage any trust, no matter how complex.

Why Choose Nesso Wealth?

There are many reasons to choose Nesso Wealth when you’re looking for help with trustee selection in Connecticut, including:


Our financial advisors have decades of combined experience in estate planning and its different areas. We’re familiar with the relevant laws and have helped hundreds of clients.


We’re committed to helping our clients pursue their financial goals. Whether you’re just starting, getting closer to retirement, or already retired, we’ll do everything in our hands to support you.


We’ll always act with the utmost professionalism and integrity. We treat every client as a family member, and we’re here to assist you in any way we can. But don’t take it from us; our past clients’ testimonials speak for themselves.

Integral Approach

We take an integrated approach to financial planning, meaning we consider all aspects of your life when making recommendations. We believe financial planning should be holistic, encompassing everything from your goals and values to your family dynamics.


Our services are flexible and personalized. Every situation is different, and therefore there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. We’ll work with you to create a plan that meets your specific requirements.

Our Proven Process

Your pursuit of financial goals begins with a framework for success. Our proven process has shown to be effective for our clients, and it can work for you regardless of your starting point.


  • Introduction: From the moment that you schedule your first consultation, we’ll work to connect you with a financial advisor suited to your needs. All of our advisors have extensive experience in the industry, and they’re passionate about helping people with their finances.
  • Discovery: We’ll learn more about you during the discovery phase. We’ll ask questions about your financial goals, values, family dynamics, and anything relevant to your situation. This step will help us determine the best way to manage your trust.
  • Data Gathering: To make sound recommendations, we need a clear picture of your finances. We’ll gather information about your assets, debts, income, and expenses. Our advice will be more accurate as you provide more details about your current financial position.
  • Proposal: Once we have all the necessary information, we’ll create a personalized proposal for you. This proposal will include recommendations on how to proceed. We’ll deliver the proposal so you can review it at your convenience and suggest any changes.
  • Implementation: Once you’re happy with the proposal, we’ll start working on implementing it. This process will involve setting up the trust (considering you don’t have one), selecting the trustee, and transferring assets. We’ll handle all the details so you can focus on what’s important to you.

Ongoing Care

  • 30-Day Check-In: We’ll meet with you 30 days after selecting your trustee. You can use this opportunity to ask any questions and raise any concerns you may have. We’ll also guarantee that everything is going according to plan.
  • 90-Day Check-In: At this point, we’ll review your progress and revise the plan if necessary. In addition, you’ll be able to get involved in your plan as much or as little as you want, thanks to our Client Experience portal.
  • Regular Check-Ins: We’ll continue to support you even after the 90-day mark. We can schedule meetings regularly (quarterly, semi-annually, or annually) to ensure that your plan is on track. With Nesso Wealth, you’ll never have to go at it alone.

Nesso Wealth – Helping You Plan For The Future

Selecting a trustee is an important decision, and it’s one that you shouldn’t take lightly; that’s why you need Nesso Wealth on your side. We have what it takes to help any Connecticut resident with their estate planning needs, including selecting a trustee. Regardless of how big or small your trust is, we’ll work with you to find the best solution. With our integral approach, personalized service, and proven process, we’ll guarantee that your trust is in good hands.

Many advisors only care about making a quick profit, but that’s not how we operate at Nesso Wealth. We’re focused on building long-term relationships with our clients. We’ll get to know you so we can provide the best possible service. Our main objective is to help you work toward your financial goals, educating you along the way. If you’re looking for a company you can trust, look no further than Nesso Wealth and request an appointment today.


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