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Renters Insurance Basics

Understanding renters insurance, if you are a renter, is just as important as understanding home insurance as a homeowner. This type of insurance protects your personal belongings in the event…

September 2, 2022

Written by Justin Sloan

Understanding renters insurance, if you are a renter, is just as important as understanding home insurance as a homeowner. This type of insurance protects your personal belongings in the event of theft or damage and provides liability protection if someone is injured while on your property.


In most cases, landlords require tenants to have renters insurance before signing a lease. Let’s look at what renters insurance covers and how to get a policy.


What’s Renters Insurance?

Renters insurance is a type of property insurance that covers your personal belongings in the event of theft or damage. It also provides liability protection if someone is injured while on your property.


There are four main types of financial protection that renters insurance offers:


Personal Possessions: This coverage protects your belongings in the event of theft or damage. It includes items like furniture, clothing, electronics, and jewelry.


Liability Protection: This coverage protects you if someone is injured on your property. It can help pay for medical bills and legal expenses.


Additional Living Expenses: This coverage helps you pay for expenses if you need to live elsewhere while your home is repaired after a covered incident.


Medical Payments: This coverage helps pay for medical bills if someone is injured on your property.


What Renters Insurance Doesn’t Cover

Although renters insurance provides important protection for your belongings, it doesn’t cover everything. It’s important to have an understanding of what it won’t cover so there won’t be any surprises down the line. Renters’ insurance doesn’t cover:


The Building: If you live in an apartment, condo, or rental home, your landlord is responsible for ensuring the building.


Floodings: Renters’ insurance does not cover flood damage. If you live in an area prone to flooding, you may need to purchase a separate policy or riders to your existing policy.


Earthquakes: Like floods, earthquakes are also not covered under a standard renters insurance policy.


Certain Valuables: There is usually a limit to how much coverage you have for valuables such as jewelry, art, or collectibles. If you have items worth more than your policy limit, you may need to purchase a rider to insure them.


Roommate’s Belongings: Your roommates will need to purchase their own renter’s insurance 

policy if they want their belongings covered.


Infestations: Renters insurance generally does not cover damage caused by pests or vermin.


How to Get Renters Insurance

When you buy renters insurance, there are a few things to consider. To select the best policy for you, consider these factors:


Assess Your Insurance Needs

The first step is to assess your needs. You’ll want to have enough coverage to protect your valuables, but you don’t want to over-insure and pay for more coverage than you need. To know how much coverage you need, make a list of your valuable items and estimate their replacement cost.


Your renters insurance policy will have limits on how much it will pay for certain types of items. For example, most policies limit how much they will pay for jewelry. If you have expensive jewelry, you may need to purchase additional coverage.


Select An Insurance Company

Many insurance companies offer renters insurance. To select the best one for you, compare rates and reviews. You can also check with your current auto or life insurance company to see if they offer discounts for bundling a renters insurance with another policy.


Start The Application Process

The application process for renters insurance is relatively simple. You’ll need to provide personal information and details about your rental property. Once you’ve applied, you’ll be able to select a policy and start coverage.


Most renters insurance policies have a deductible, which is the amount you’ll pay out of pocket before your coverage kicks in. For example, if you have a $500 deductible and your apartment is burglarized, you would pay the first $500 of repair or replacement costs. Your insurer would cover any additional costs up to your policy limit.


Adjust Your Policy As Needed

Once you have a renters insurance policy, it’s important to review it periodically to make sure it still meets your needs. As you acquire new belongings or your rental situation changes, you may need to adjust your coverage. You can usually do this by contacting your insurance company or agent.


Renters insurance is an important way to protect yourself financially if something happens to your rental property or belongings. By understanding the basics of renters insurance and how to get one, you can be sure you’re prepared for the unexpected.


Pay For Your Policy

Once you’ve selected the right policy for you, it’s time to pay for your coverage. You can usually set up automatic payments with your insurance company. This way, you can ensure your coverage won’t lapse if you forget to make a payment.


Be sure to compare different policies and companies to find the best coverage for your needs. Remember, renters insurance is an important part of protecting your home and belongings. With the right policy in place, you can rest assured knowing you and your possessions are covered.


Personal Property

Renters insurance covers the loss of clothes, cellphones, and other personal items due to 16 predetermined circumstances. These are typically fire, lightning, explosions, and windstorms. It also covers theft, the most common claim filed by renters.


You’re automatically covered up to $100 for cash and securities. If you have any high-value items like jewelry or art, you’ll need to purchase an endorsement or rider to ensure they’re fully protected.


Liability Coverage

If someone is injured while on your property and decides to sue you, liability coverage will help pay for their medical bills and any damage to their property. It can also help cover your legal expenses if you’re sued.


Additional Living Expenses

If your home is uninhabitable due to a covered incident, additional living expenses coverage will help pay for your temporary housing and other necessary expenses. This can include hotel bills, meals, and transportation costs.

Medical Payments

Medical payments coverage helps pay for the medical bills of someone injured on your property. It can also help cover funeral costs if the person dies due to their injuries. Most policies have a limit of $500 in medical payments coverage.


How Much Renters Insurance Do I Need?

The amount of renters insurance you need depends on a few factors. First, you’ll need to determine the value of your personal belongings. Make a list of everything you own and estimate how much it would cost to replace it.


You should also consider how much liability coverage you need. This will depend on your assets and income. If you have a lot of assets, you may want to purchase additional coverage.


Finally, decide how much coverage you need for additional living expenses. This will depend on your budget and where you live. Once you’ve determined the amount of coverage you need, get a policy that offers adequate protection from trusted insurance services.


Optional Renters Insurance Coverage

There are other types of protection that you can get with your renters insurance policy, but they come at an additional cost. Some of these coverages include:


Replacement Cost Coverage: This type of coverage will reimburse you for the cost of replacing your belongings without taking into account depreciation.


Ordinance or Law Coverage: If you need to change your home to comply with local ordinances or laws, this type of coverage will help pay for those expenses.


Water Backup and Sump Pump Overflow Coverage: This protects you from damages caused by water backup or sump pump overflow.


Identity Recovery Expense Coverage: If you become a victim of identity theft, this coverage will help pay for the expenses of restoring your identity.


As you can see, there are many different types of coverage that you can get with your renters insurance policy. Talk to your agent about what type of coverage is right for you and your situation.


Tips To Get The Best Rate

Now that you know more about renters insurance, it’s time to start shopping for a policy. Here are a few tips to help you get the best rate:


Shop around: Don’t just go with the first company you come across. Get quotes from multiple companies so that you can compare rates.


Consider bundling: If you combine your renters insurance with another type of insurance, such as auto or life, you may be able to get a discount.


Ask about discounts: Some companies offer discounts for things like having a security system or being claims-free for a certain period.


Raise your deductible: A higher deductible means that you’ll have to pay more out of pocket if you have a claim, but it also means that your monthly premiums will be lower.


Find The Right Renters Insurance For You

Finding the right renters insurance for your needs is essential. Renters insurance is a must for anyone renting a home or apartment. At Nesso Insurance, we understand that your belongings are valuable to you and work with you to find the right policy to protect them.


Even if you don’t have to buy coverage, having a renters insurance policy from the start of your lease will offer you the greatest protection. Our team of experts at Nesso Group will ensure everything you need is covered. Don’t hesitate to reach out now to learn how we can help.


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