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Nesso Insurance Offers Commercial Property Insurance in Milldale, CT

We know that constantly worrying about the safety of your business can be stressful and overwhelming. After all, your business is likely one of your biggest investments and a key…

May 2, 2023

Written by Trey Bongiovanni

We know that constantly worrying about the safety of your business can be stressful and overwhelming. After all, your business is likely one of your biggest investments and a key source of income. You want to do everything you can to protect it. While you can’t entirely prevent natural disasters and other potential risks, you can mitigate their financial impact with the right commercial property insurance. Coverage level, premiums, and deductibles vary from policy to policy, so you must understand everything you’re signing up for before you make a purchase. Fortunately, an insurance expert like Nesso Insurance can be a valuable advisor.

At Nesso Insurance, we’re a trusted insurance agency in Milldale, CT, committed to alleviating your worries and providing you with the best protection. Business owners can access our commercial property insurance products, covering buildings, business personal property, and more. We customize each plan to fit the needs of our clients, from restaurants and retail stores to office buildings and warehouses. Our team will help you evaluate your risks before making any recommendations. Schedule a consultation today to get started.


Understanding Commercial Property insurance

The place where you run your business is critical to its success and growth. It’s where you keep your company’s physical assets, inventory, office equipment, furniture, and more. It’s also where you perform services or create products. If there’s any disturbance, your regular operations will likely be disrupted, resulting in lost income and profits. Moreover, your company’s reputation and standing in the community can take a significant hit.

You can typically manage such setbacks, yet many business owners are unprepared. Business catastrophes, like personal ones, rarely come with warning signs, and no amount of planning can fully protect you from their financial impact. It’d help if you had something to rely on while you rebuild your business and recoup any losses; that’s where commercial property insurance comes in.

Commercial property insurance aims to protect you and your business against several risks. It helps repair or replace the physical assets of your business in the event of a fire, vandalism, theft, natural disasters, and other covered perils. It also pays for any liabilities arising from an incident occurring on-site. Commercial property insurance can even compensate you for lost income if your business temporarily shuts down.

Sources of Losses Covered by Commercial Property Insurance

The standard commercial property insurance policy covers many risks. You can also purchase additional endorsements to customize your protection further. The most common types of losses covered include:

  • Fire and smoke damage
  • Theft and vandalism
  • Windstorm, hail, and lightning damage
  • Explosion and volcanic eruption damage
  • Water damage (not including flooding)
  • Lawsuits from third-party liability claims
  • Additional coverage for business income losses

What Does Commercial Property Insurance Cover?

Buildings and Structures

Commercial property insurance covers the physical structure of your business, like your office or retail space. It can also include any improvements or additions you’ve made, like an HVAC system or awning. If your business is in a leased space, your landlord’s insurance policy might only cover the building itself. Your commercial property insurance would have to cover any damage to your personal property.

Business Personal Property

Also known as contents coverage, it includes the furniture, equipment, inventory, and other assets inside your business premises. Remember that for many items, you’ll need to purchase specific coverage. For instance, only certain insurance policies help pay for valuable items like jewelry and electronics.

Special Form Policies

Special form policies are endorsements that provide broader protection. They typically cover everything not explicitly excluded in the policy. For example, a standard commercial property insurance policy might exclude flood damage. Still, you could purchase a special form policy that covers any water-related damage.

At Nesso Insurance, our commercial property insurance in Milldale offers coverage for your building, business personal property, and more.

What Does Commercial Property Insurance Not Cover?

Commercial property insurance won’t pay for damages that occur due to the following:

  • Usual Wear and Tear: It’s normal for items inside your business space to experience wear and tear over time; commercial property insurance won’t cover such losses.
  • intentional Damage: If the damage is deliberate and not accidental, then it won’t be covered under a standard commercial property policy.
  • Improper Maintenance: Insurance companies typically won’t pay for problems that arise from incompetent repairs. You should only work with reputable professionals and double-check their work.
  • Unoccupied Properties: Leaving your property vacant for a month can void your policy. Be sure to check with your insurance agent for the exact details.
  • Client’s Property: Your business property insurance doesn’t cover your customers’ items. Suppose a customer has a laptop computer that gets damaged while inside your premises. Your policy won’t reimburse them for any losses.
  • Your Commercial Vehicles: If you get into an accident with a delivery van, your commercial property insurance won’t cover the associated costs. You’ll need to purchase commercial auto insurance for this.

Who Needs Commercial Property Insurance?

Every business can benefit from commercial property insurance. It helps protect your investments and guarantees that you can keep operating in the event of an unexpected incident or accident. Some industries are especially vulnerable to property damage, such as the following:

  • Restaurants: Fires, spills, and other kitchen accidents can cause extensive damage.
  • Retail Stores: Theft is a significant risk for retail stores, so having the right insurance policy in place is crucial.
  • Manufacturing Plants: If your business involves heavy machinery, it requires specialized protection in case of a malfunction or breakdown.
  • Construction Sites: Damage related to weather conditions or vandalism can be costly. Commercial property insurance helps protect against these risks.

No matter what industry you’re in, commercial property insurance is essential to any comprehensive business plan. There are many policies available to fit your needs and budget.

Factors that Determine Your Premium

When you’re shopping for commercial property insurance, know that your premium will depend on a few factors, such as:

  • The Location of the Property: If the building is in an area prone to natural disasters or crime, it will be more expensive to insure.
  • The Type of Coverage: More extensive coverage typically costs more.
  • The Value of Property Insured: The greater the value of business assets and equipment, the higher your premiums might be.
  • Your Deductible: Choosing a higher deductible can reduce your policy’s cost. However, this means that you’ll need to pay more out-of-pocket should something require you to make a claim.
  • Your Previous Claims History: Insurance companies look at your past claims when computing premiums. It could affect your rates if you’ve had several claims in the last few years.

How Nesso Insurance Can Help

When it comes to insurance, we realize there are many options, which can be confusing. We’re here to simplify the process and help you choose the best coverage for your business. You should always feel confident that you have quality protection for what’s most important to you. Therefore, our experienced advisors will walk you through the process while educating you on the different concepts and terminology.

Unlike most other insurance companies, at Nesso Insurance, we genuinely care about our clients. We work to get all the necessary information to assess risk and find any gaps in your coverage (if you have an existing policy). We have relationships with multiple insurance carriers to provide you with the most competitive rates. In addition, we’re always transparent about what’s included in each policy. We’ll use a comparison quoting tool so you can easily see the differences between options and make an informed decision.

We Can Also Help with the Claims Process

You must submit a claim to the insurance company when a covered loss occurs. Submitting a claim involves providing detailed information about the incident, such as when and where it happened. Then, the insurance company will send an adjuster to assess the damage. They will reimburse you up to your policy limits if they determine that the incident is covered. Otherwise, the insurance company may deny your claim, and you’ll have to appeal the decision or pay for the repairs out of pocket.

At Nesso Insurance, we don’t just offer policy recommendations – we also help with the claims process. We understand that it can be stressful and time-consuming, so we’ll provide expert support. Just upload the relevant documentation to our Service Center, and one of our specialists will be happy to assist. They will work hard to get you the best outcome and guarantee an efficient and favorable claims experience. They’re also available to answer any questions or concerns.

Protect Your Business with Our Insurance Solutions in Milldale

Nesso Insurance in Milldale is your to-go-to insurance agency. We encompass a long-term vision when planning for the future, which is beneficial in managing your operations and wealth. Our commercial insurance policies will help protect you from potential losses, so you can focus on what matters most – running your business. With our experience, expertise, and dedication to our clients, you can trust that we have the right solution.

As part of the Nesso Group, we strive to provide a healthy workspace to ensure that each team member grows across diverse pillars of life. We offer an ecosystem of services under one roof, including insurance, accounting, tax, and more. Contact us today for guidance on your financial health and strategies. Our financial solutions in Milldale ensure you maximize your income, work toward your financial goals, and grow your wealth sustainably.


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