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What’s the Difference Between Supplement Plans & Medigap Plans?

Medicare is a government health insurance program that millions of Americans rely on for their healthcare needs. When looking for information about Medicare, you may find the terms “Medigap” and…

December 5, 2022

Written by Nikki Grillo

Medicare is a government health insurance program that millions of Americans rely on for their healthcare needs. When looking for information about Medicare, you may find the terms “Medigap” and “Supplement plan” being used interchangeably. The reason is Medicare Supplement and Medigap are different names for the same type of health insurance plan, so you shouldn’t be confused thinking one is better than the other.

To further understand the meaning of these programs, let’s consider Medigap to be a plan that helps to bridge the financial gap between Original (Parts A and B) and the costs of any additional medical care you may require. Similarly, a “Supplement” plan extends the benefits of Original Medicare by helping to cover some of the expenses that beneficiaries are responsible for on their own. In this blog post, we’re going to delve deeper into the main aspects of these plans so you can make an informed decision. Read on!

Understanding Medigap Or Medicare Supplements Plans

Supplement (Medigap) insurance policies must comply with federal and state rules designed to protect you, the policyholder. Medigap is gap insurance sold by private businesses to assist fill up the “gaps” in Original Medicare. Although most of the expense of Medicare-approved medical treatment is covered, certain patients may still incur out-of-pocket expenses. Some of the fees not covered by Original Medigap may be covered by a Supplements insurance policy, including but not limited to:

  • Copayments
  • Coinsurance
  • Deductibles

Different Medigap Plans Offered

There are 10 Medigap plans offered in most states, each with a different set of benefits. The benefits for each plan are standardized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which means that Plan A will offer the same benefits regardless of which company sells it to you.

The 10 standardized plans are:

  • Plan A
  • Plan B
  • Plan C
  • Plan D
  • Plan F
  • Plan G
  • Plan K
  • Plan L
  • Plan M
  • Plan N 

There are also high deductible versions of Plans F and G. Plans C and F (including its high deductible version) are no longer available to new enrollees.

Each of these plans covers different out-of-pocket costs, so you must choose the plan that best fits your needs and budget. One thing that they have in common is that they all cover Part A coinsurance and hospital costs, as well as the first three pints of blood you receive each year. They also allow you to visit any doctor or specialist that accepts Medicare patients.

Factors To Consider When Choosing a Supplement Plan

You can learn which insurance providers in your region provide Medigap policies by contacting an insurance agency or using the Find a Medigap policy tool on Medicare’s official website. If you’re comparing Medigap policies, you may want to think about the following:

  • Which advantages stand out as the most crucial when looking at current and prospective health concerns?
  • Which supplemental insurance policies offer the best coverage?
  • Prices of various providers’ Medigap plans


A Supplement insurance policy’s premium should be your top priority. What are the monthly payments, annual premiums, and additional fees? Think about how much you spend on medical appointments and hospital stays. Be aware that Original Medicare and Supplement have almost no out-of-pocket limits. Plan K and Plan L are the two that don’t fit the mold.

The method by which the corporation determines its rates is still another factor.

  • Community-rated premiums do not vary with a person’s age, although they may go up with inflation.
  • Premiums for issue-age-rated insurance are determined by the insured’s age at the time of purchase and do not rise with the policyholder’s age.
  • The cost of an insurance policy with an attained age rating rises with the policyholder’s age, starting at the age at which the policy is purchased.


Consideration of range is also essential. Consider how well the policy covers the services you require. Med-Supp policies typically don’t pay for private-duty nursing, vision or dental care, hearing aids, or eyeglasses. In addition, you should know that Medigap insurance only covers single people. Thus married people need two separate policies.

Decide Today With The Help Of Nesso Senior Benefits

You can narrow down your options for a Med-Supp policy by educating yourself on the subject by contacting us at Nesso Senior Benefits in Connecticut. Know that your insurance provider or a local insurance agent will be there to support you every step of the way, whichever policy you decide to go with. As part of the Nesso Group, we care deeply about our clients. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us now.


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