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Insurance: Commercial Auto Insurance Services in Connecticut

As a business owner, one of the worst feelings is watching your commercial vehicle totaled in an accident. Perhaps the driver wasn’t at fault, but the repairs will still be expensive. You’d owe even more money if the vehicle were leased or rented. Do you want to avoid this stressful situation? Then it would help if you had commercial auto coverage. When it comes to commercial auto insurance in Connecticut, there’s no better option than Nesso Insurance.

Nesso Insurance is a trusted and reliable company with years of experience in the industry. We can provide comprehensive coverage that will protect your vehicles and team members in an accident. Our range of solutions is extensive, so we’re sure to find something that suits your business. Get started today by talking to one of our insurance specialists; we look forward to serving you.

How Our Commercial Auto Insurance Services Can Benefit Your Business

There are many benefits to choosing our commercial auto insurance services for your business. Some of the most important are:

  • Financial Protection: Our commercial auto insurance will protect your business in the event of an accident. You can avoid using your company’s funds to pay for damages or repairs.
  • Confidence: With our commercial auto insurance, you can have confidence knowing that you won’t be held responsible for any damages resulting from an accident. You’ll have more time and energy to focus on your business.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: While getting an insurance policy may be expensive, it’s undoubtedly the most cost-effective option in the long run. Without it, you risk facing lawsuits and having to pay out a significant amount; this could cost you much more than the price of our policy.

Our Services

Hired Auto Physical Damage Insurance

Hired auto physical damage insurance is a specialized type of coverage that protects you from damages to vehicles you lease or rent. It typically has a higher coverage limit than a standard auto insurance policy because rented vehicles are often more expensive to repair. Not all commercial auto insurance policies include this coverage, so you should talk to an expert to see if it’s something you need. At Nesso Insurance, we can answer all of your questions.

We understand that every business is unique, and we’ll work with you to find a policy that fits your budget and provides the coverage you need. You can forget the hassle of shopping around for hired auto physical damage insurance, comparing rates and coverage options. When you choose Nesso Insurance, we’ll take care of everything for you.

Trucking Coverage

Trucking coverage includes protection for the truck itself and any cargo it carries. It can also cover damages caused by weather events, fires, and theft. Your business might need it if it relies on trucks to transport goods or services. Whether you use a company-owned vehicle or rent or lease trucks, this type of insurance will come in handy in the event of an accident. Nesso Insurance is here for you if you’re interested in a trucking insurance policy with all the protection properties you need.

No matter how complete your trucking coverage policy is, you won’t be able to make the most of it if you don’t comprehend all the details. Our professional and friendly staff will review everything with you, so you know what you’re purchasing. We’ll address all extensions, exclusions, and limits to ensure that this policy protects your truck and employees fully.

Lease or Loan Gap Insurance

Lease or loan gap insurance is a type of coverage that pays the difference between what your covered vehicle is worth and the amount owed to its lienholder. Suppose you’re in an accident and your car is totaled. In that case, your insurance company will only pay out the vehicle’s market value, which may be less than what you still owe. But if you have gap insurance, your insurer will cover the remaining balance. A Nesso Insurance agent can further explain this coverage to you and help you make an informed decision.

As part of the Nesso Group, we aim to see our clients and their businesses succeed. However, unexpected events can happen, and when they do, they can put everything you’ve worked so hard for at risk. We want you to have a backup plan so that you can continue running your business even after an accident. By getting our gap insurance services together with another commercial auto insurance policy, you can feel confident knowing you’re fully protected.

Our Process

Getting In Touch

The first step is getting in touch with us. You can do this by giving us a call, filling out our online form, or visiting our office in Connecticut. We’ll ask you some questions about your business so that we can get a better understanding of your needs. For example:

  • What type of business do you have?
  • How many vehicles does your business own or lease?
  • Do you use your vehicles for business purposes only, or do you also use them for personal travel?
  • Do you transport hazardous materials?

This step is essential because it will help us find the right policy for you. Answering with as much detail and accuracy as possible will make the process smoother and quicker. Each business has different risks, and therefore, each one requires a unique insurance solution. By taking the time to learn about your company, we can create a custom policy that fits your specific situation. You can also use this opportunity to ask us any questions about our services.

Proposing Innovative And Integrated Solutions

We’ll start working on your commercial auto insurance policy using all the gathered information. We’ll consider everything we’ve learned about you, your goals, your budget, and your business size. Then, we’ll design a proposal that meets all your needs and offers the best possible protection. Our process is straightforward, and we’ll keep you updated at every phase.

Once we’ve found a policy that we think is a good fit, we’ll present it to you and explain all the details. We want you to understand what you’re paying for and why this would work for your business. If you have any questions or concerns, we’ll be happy to address them. Or, if you need an updated proposal, we can make the necessary changes. We’ll only move forward once you feel comfortable with your decision.

Delivering Your Insurance Plan

After you’ve decided on a policy for your business, we’ll take care of the paperwork and get everything set up for you. We’ll guarantee that your coverage starts when you need it and that all your commercial vehicles and team members have the protection they need. Remember that our solutions include liability protection in case someone gets injured while driving one of your vehicles.

We’ll ensure you make the most of your insurance policy by helping you file claims whenever necessary. When paying for insurance, you’re entitled to the benefits it provides. If you don’t use it, you’re essentially throwing your money away when you could be using it to grow your business. We understand how stressful the filing process can be, so we’re here to support you. If you ever need to file a claim, we’ll be there to help.

Why Choose Us


Our team has decades of accumulated experience. In that time, we’ve learned much about what works and doesn’t. We’ve used this knowledge to create comprehensive solutions that offer the best possible protection for businesses like yours.


We’re committed to providing our clients with only positive experiences. We demonstrate this by being there for you when you need us, answering your questions, or helping you file a claim. You can always count on Nesso Insurance to have your back.


We believe in being honest and transparent with our clients. We’ll never try to sell you something you don’t need or hide any important information from you. Thanks to our integrity, we’ve gained the trust of businesses of all sizes and industries in Connecticut.

Multidisciplinary Approach

We’re not like other insurance companies that only focus on one thing. We believe everything in finances is connected, so we’ll take a multidisciplinary approach when finding solutions for your business. This way, you can be sure that everything is taken into account.

Nesso Insurance – We Help You Compare Quotes and Buy Commercial Auto Insurance

At Nesso Insurance, we understand how hard it is to run a business. You have enough to worry about without having to shop around for the right insurance policy; that’s where we come in. Our reputable insurance services in CT make it easy for you to compare quotes and find the best approach for your circumstances. We’ll take the time to get to know your business so that we can provide you with tailored coverage at a cost-effective price. Plus, we’re always looking for creative ways to improve our services so that we can better serve you.

Unlike other insurance agencies, we don’t just see you as a policy number. We care deeply about our clients and work hard to protect their businesses from the unexpected. As part of the Nesso Group, we guide individuals and companies in different areas, like insurance, accounting, benefits, wealth, and more. Our goal is to relieve you of any unnecessary stress and help you succeed for years to come. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you protect your business.

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