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Estate Planning for Second Marriages

When it comes to estate planning, there are many things to think about. But if you’re in a second marriage, things get a little more complicated.  In this blog post,…

July 18, 2022

Written by Kevin

When it comes to estate planning, there are many things to think about. But if you’re in a second marriage, things get a little more complicated. 

In this blog post, we’ll explain everything you need to know about estate planning for second marriages. We’ll explain what estate planning is and why it’s necessary. Then we’ll talk about how it works and what happens when someone dies. Finally, we’ll discuss the specific challenges of estate planning for second marriages.

Estate Planning For Second Marriages

If you’re in a second marriage, it’s important to consider estate planning. Even if you think your spouse will get everything when you die, that may not be the case. Without an estate plan, your assets could go to someone else entirely. Here are just a few reasons why estate planning is so important for those in second marriages:

  • You want to make sure your assets go to the people you want them to.
  • You want to avoid family conflict after you die.
  • You want to make sure your spouse is taken care of financially if something happens to you.
  • You want to take care of your children from a previous marriage.

What Is Estate Planning?

It refers to making sure your assets are distributed the way you want them to be when you die. Wills, trusts, or other financial planning vehicles achieve this.

Estate planning is critical for second marriages because it ensures your assets are protected. It guarantees the safeguard of your wishes concerning their distribution. Without a proper estate plan, your assets may be subject to probate, proving costly and time-consuming.

How It Helps

A well-designed estate plan can also help limit taxes and other avoidable expenses. This is because it enables you to organize assets optimized for taxing.

Legally speaking, second marriages constitute a special case for estate planning. If you don’t have a will, wealth management in the event of your death may be hard to manage according to your prior expectations. Your spouse may not inherit much. Children from a previous marriage may get a larger share of your assets than your current spouse.

Dividing Your Assets

It’s important to know how to make sure your assets are divided fairly between your spouse and children from previous marriages:

  • You can create a will that outlines the distribution of your assets.
  • You can set up trusts for specific purposes, such as education or long-term care.
  • You can name beneficiaries on your retirement accounts and life insurance policies.
  • You can work with a financial planner to develop a legal liquidation process of your assets for the targeted beneficiary.

Estate planning is thus important as it can help you avoid family conflict in your absence. Family members, both past and former can reach amicable solutions. It will also help ensure the distribution of your assets is in the way you want them to be.

What You Need To Know About Estate Planning If You’re In A Second Marriage

Estate planning can be slightly more complicated if you’re in a second marriage. That’s because of the many considerations you have to make in the case of a blended family, which can make things tricky. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind in such an endeavor.

If either you or your partner has children from a previous marriage, you’ll want to make sure they’re taken care of in the event of your death. One way to do this is to set up a trust fund. This will ensure the financial provision for your children without going through the probate process.

Setting Up A Life Insurance Policy

You’ll also want to make sure that your spouse is taken care of if something happens to you. Setting up a life insurance policy is one way to do this. This will ensure that your spouse has the financial resources they need to maintain their lifestyle in the event of your death.

It’s also important to update your will after getting married again. In the eyes of the law, a new marriage voids previous wills made. If you pass on without an updated will in place, your assets are distributed As per the laws of intestate succession. This means that your spouse may not get everything as they would if you had an up-to-date will.

How Do I Protect My Assets In A Second Marriage?

That’s a good question. Many gray areas for asset protection may still exist for most people in second marriages. You may have assets from a previous marriage that you want to protect, or you may want to keep your finances separate from your spouse’s.

One way to protect your assets is to set up a prenuptial agreement. This is a legal document that stipulates how your assets will be divided in the event of a divorce. Contrary to widespread opinion on the subject, prenuptial agreements are not just for the wealthy-they can prove useful for anyone in a second marriage wishing to protect their assets.

Keep Separate Accounts

Another way is to keep them in a separate account. Thus, you can maintain control of their use. and what happens to them in the event of your death. You may also opt for setting up a trust. This is a legally binding arrangement with a designated person to manage your assets in your stead. This person, a trustee, will then distribute the assets as per your stated wishes in the trust document.

Consult With An Advisor

There are many more ways to safeguard your assets in a second marriage-the recommended course of action is to consult a financial advisor before settling on the best strategy for you and your spouse.

Whichever method you choose to proceed with, be sure to consult an experienced or trustworthy estate planning attorney. This can help you develop an estate plan that meets all your wealth management needs in the event of your death.

Tips For Creating A Comprehensive Estate Plan That Works For Everyone Involved

Estate planning can prove a daunting and energy-consuming endeavor, especially if you have a blended family. In protecting your spouse and children, you may accidentally disinherit someone.

 Though unintended, such an oversight on your part could potentially breed conflict in the event of your death. It is of imperative importance that assets are properly titled and beneficiary designations are up-to-date. Here is a summed-up procedure you can reference to make life easier.

Have Your Documents In Order

First, ensure you have all the required financial documents in order. Have other backup copies as well, in print and electronic form, as needed. This covers a life insurance policy, a prenuptial agreement (if required), and other relevant legal documents. This is because second marriages usually come with more financial baggage and complications.

Be The Primary Beneficiary

Be keen to ensure that you are the primary beneficiary on all accounts. This is for both retirement and non-retirement accounts. The same goes for your spouse. If that is not the case currently, change it as soon as possible.

Take Inventory Of Your Assets

Second, take an inventory of your assets and debts and your spouses. Be sure to jot down accurate figures as per their most recent values, including interest. This will help you map out an efficient wealth distribution strategy in case of execution of the plan.

Inform Your Spouse Or Trusted Person Of Your Plans

Third, discuss your intended estate plan with your spouse, blended family, and other family members affected by your plans’ execution. It’s wise for all to be on the same page to limit the chances of any future conflict. 

Revise Plan As Necessary

And fourth, review and revise your plan at regular intervals. Review your plan every five years. It’s crucial to account for any significant change at the very least.

What Is The Success Rate Of Estate Plans?

Estate plans have helped many people protect their assets and provide for their loved ones. Estate plans can spare your loved ones many headaches. Estate plans allow you to:

  • Know what you will leave each of your children in terms of assets.
  • Help you plan on having further children as a couple.
  • Decide what assets you will be leaving them (your current spouse and children) in the event of your death.
  • Strategize which assets to keep holding on your own.
  • Decide whether to retitle assets in both of your names (you and your current spouse) to cater to wealth management in the event of your death.
  • Gauge the state of your debt in your marriage; answer the question of the status of your new debt in a second marriage. You will be better positioned as you know what is at stake.
  • Make necessary changes to your will, or inform the decision whether to draft a new one.

Estate planning for second marriages is important because there are unique considerations that come with blended families. By creating a plan, you can make sure your assets are distributed in the way you want after your death.

Let Nesso Wealth Help You

At Nesso Wealth, we understand that estate planning can be a complex and confusing process. But we also know that it’s an important part of financial planning, especially for those in a second marriage. Our financial planners can help you navigate the estate planning process and make sure that your assets are protected. 

At Nesso Wealth, we want to help you navigate the wealth management process to make the most of your financial situation. Contact us today to learn more about our services.


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