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Secure Your Wealth: Estate & Legacy Planning in Connecticut

Securing your wealth is securing your future. At Nesso Wealth, we understand the importance of providing comprehensive wealth management services to our clients; we offer both estate and legacy planning services. We believe that you’re entitled to great financial assistance. Therefore, our services will cover your needs regardless of your situation.

Our wealth management services in Connecticut will help you plan for your estate and legacy, ensuring your wealth is protected and passed on to future generations. Contact us today and make sure your wealth is in good hands.

Understand Our Wealth Management Services

Wealth management is the process of creating a personalized financial plan that takes into account your goals, risks, and opportunities. It’s more than investment advice; it supports clients to clear the path for their financial future. We have trusted consultants that will prepare a plan for your finances and ensure this strategy stays current and dynamic. Wealth management aims to help you grow and protect your wealth over the long term. It typically includes investment advice, tax, estate, and insurance.

Working with a qualified wealth manager who can create a customized plan that’s right for you is essential. At Nesso Wealth, we’ll take the time to understand your financial situation and help you make choices in your best interest. You can confidently pursue your financial goals with the right wealth management strategy. Get expert advice to design your future and let money work for you. At Nesso Group, we’ll support you step by step and be there when you need us.

We Utilize Risk Management In The Financial Planning Process

Nesso Wealth takes a holistic approach to wealth management, which means we consider all aspects of our clients’ financial lives when developing a plan for you. We’ll suggest things like life insurance and long-term care to manage risk and protect your assets. After all, risk management is an essential part of financial planning, and it’s something that we take very seriously at Nesso Wealth. We believe every client deserves a comprehensive plan that considers all their risks.

Everyone faces risks in life and has a different tolerance for risk. We work with our clients to assess their tolerance and create a plan that fits their needs. A good risk management strategy will address the potential for financial loss and the impact of unexpected events. It should also include guidelines for dealing with those events if they occur. With Nesso Wealth, you can feel confident knowing you’re ready for the unexpected.

Understand Our Life Insurance Policies

Life insurance is essential to financial planning, yet it’s often one of the most misunderstood products. It works by replacing your income in the event of your death, so your family can maintain their current lifestyle. There are two types of life insurance: term life insurance and permanent life insurance. Term life insurance is temporary and covers you for a set period, usually 10-30 years. Permanent life insurance, on the other hand, provides lifetime coverage.

At Nesso Wealth, we can assist you in understanding life insurance and what type of policy makes sense for you. We’ve partnered with some of the industry’s top carriers to find the right policy at the best price. Remember that when you get one of our services, you also gain access to a team of specialists who are always here to help. We’re just a phone call away if you have any questions about the policy or how it works. We’ll be happy to educate you and guarantee you’re getting the most out of your policy.

Long-Term Care In Connecticut

Long-term care is a type of care for people unable to perform daily living activities on their own. These activities include bathing, dressing, eating, using the restroom, and transferring from a bed to a chair. Typically, patients receive long-term care in a nursing home or assisted living facility. Still, they can also obtain them in their homes. At Nesso Wealth, we specialize in helping people plan for their long-term care.

Nesso Wealth can also help you choose the right long-term care option for your needs, whether in-home care, assisted living, or nursing home care. We’ll design a plan that fits your budget and ensures you receive the best possible care. Our financial advisors can help you make decisions with our recommendations. Planning lets your family know that no financial aspects of your long-term care are left unseen.

The Benefits Of Choosing Our Risk Management Services

Nesso Wealth’s risk management services can provide a broad range of benefits for those who utilize them. Some of the most common advantages include:

Improved Financial Security

One of the main goals of our risk management is to protect your assets and income if something unexpected happens. We can give you financial security knowing that you and your family will be taken care of in unforeseen circumstances. For example, if you experience a job loss, medical emergency, etc. You won’t have to worry about how you’ll pay your bills or make ends meet.

Reduced Stress Levels

Another benefit of our effective risk management is reducing your stress levels. Having a plan to deal with potential risks can take a load off your shoulders and help you relax and enjoy your life more fully. At Nesso Wealth, we realize this and want to make financial planning as stress-free as possible for our clients.

Improved Emotional Stability

Managing risks can lead to improved emotional stability; taking steps to reduce stressors in your life can help prevent or lessen the effects of anxiety and depression. Additionally, the plan we’ll design for dealing with challenging circumstances if they do arise can give you a sense of control during difficult times.

More Time And Energy To Focus On What Matters Most

One of the most valuable benefits of effective risk management is that it can give you more time and energy to focus on the things that matter most to you. When you don’t have to worry about what might happen, you’re free to pursue your passions with abandon and live your life to the fullest. At Nesso Wealth, we want to help you live your best life.

Why Choose Nesso Wealth

There are many reasons to choose Nesso Wealth as your financial partner. Here are just a few:


Our team of financial advisors has decades of combined experience. They’ve seen it all and can help you plan for any eventuality. Whether you’re just starting or nearing retirement, we can help you make the best decisions for your future.

Personalized Service

We get to know our clients personally to provide the best possible service. We’ll ask questions and gather information about your unique circumstances before making recommendations. Because we understand that everyone’s financial situation differs, we tailor our advice to each individual. 

Commitment To Excellence

We’re committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service. We’ll do everything in our hands to deliver only positive experiences. After all, your success is our success, and we have your best interests at heart.

Proven Track Record

Our clients have seen the positive results of working with us. We’ve individuals and businesses of all sizes grow and protect their wealth to enjoy a secure future. You can read some of their testimonials on our website.

Superior Process

We believe your true wealth pursuit should be a well-organized, systematic process. We’ve developed a process that has proven to work time and again. After we’ve helped you create a wealth plan, we’ll review it with you periodically to ensure it’s still on track.

Nesso Wealth Professionals By Your Side

At Nesso Wealth, we understand that everyone’s financial needs are unique. We’re real people making a real difference in your life. We’ll work with you, so you can have the freedom to work on your terms and unique circumstances. Our comprehensive services aim to help our clients pursue their financial wishes. From investment and portfolio management to retirement and estate planning, we have the experience and expertise to help you make the most of your finances. 

Learn how to get the proper financial balance for your lifestyle. We’re your coach, accountability partner, and your advocate. In addition to coaching you through the most important financial decisions of your life, we provide practical tips and resources to help you stay on track. We’ll also identify and communicate what should take priority and guide you each step of the way. We want you to know that you’re never alone when making financial decisions. Contact a specialist today to plan your future.

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