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Attestation In Accounting: How It Works

Attestation is a key part of the accounting process. It is the act of verifying and certifying that certain information is correct. This process is often used to ensure the…

August 24, 2022

Written by John Wonneberger

Attestation is a key part of the accounting process. It is the act of verifying and certifying that certain information is correct. This process is often used to ensure the accuracy of financial statements and can provide peace of mind for business owners and investors. 


In this blog post, we will explain what attestation is, how it works, and why it is important. We will also discuss the benefits of this process and provide some examples to help illustrate how it can be used in the real world.


What Is Attestation In Accounting?

Attestation in accounting is the process of verifying and validating financial statements. This is done through an audit or by providing a letter of opinion from a certified public accountant (CPA). The purpose of attestation is to ensure that the financial statements accurately reflect the company’s true financial position.


The Three Types Of Attestation 

There are three types of attestation in accounting: 


1- Compilation  

A CPA can “compile” financial statements without performing audit or review procedures. The CPA expresses no opinion on the statements. The client receives only a report that the CPA has compiled the statements from information provided by management. 


2- Review

A CPA who “reviews” financial statements performs certain limited procedures to obtain moderate assurance about whether the statements are free of material misstatement. A review includes inquiry, analytical procedures, and other procedures the CPA deems appropriate in the circumstances. The CPA expresses a “negative assurance” opinion on the reviewed financial statements—that is, an opinion that nothing has come to the CPA’s attention that causes them to believe that the statements are not free of material misstatement.


3- Audit 

An audit is the most comprehensive type of attestation service. The CPA who “audits” financial statements performs extensive procedures to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes all the procedures in a review, plus testing of selected transactions and balances (such as cash) through confirmation with outside parties, physical examination, and other procedures.


If the CPA finds no material misstatements, they express an unqualified opinion on the audited financial statements—that is, an opinion that the statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position, results of operations, and cash flows of the company in conformity with GAAP. If the CPA finds material misstatements, they modify the opinion accordingly.


How Do Attestation Services Work?

Attestation services are important for any business as they provide an objective, third-party opinion on the company’s financial statements or other information. The attest function is performed by a CPA (Certified Public Accountant), who must be independent of the company being reviewed.


Agree Upon The Scope Of Work

The first step in attestation is to agree upon the scope of work to be performed. This agreement should be in writing and spell out what financial statements or other information will be reviewed and the procedures used in the review.


Analyze Financial Statements

Once the scope of work has been agreed upon, the CPA will perform tests and analyses of the financial statements or other information under review. After completing their testing, the CPA will issue a report that states their opinion on the financial statements or other information.


Issue A Report

Attestation services can issue three possible opinions:


Unqualified/positive: The financial statements or other information meet all applicable standards and regulations.


Qualified/negative: The financial statements or other information do not meet all applicable standards and regulations, but the CPA has determined that the overall picture is still accurate.


Adverse/disclaimer of opinion: The financial statements or other information do not meet all applicable standards and regulations, and the CPA could not form an opinion on the accuracy of the overall picture.


Implementing An Attestation System

Implementing an attestation system (financial health) is the process of designing, developing, and deploying the system. This process aims to ensure that the system meets the organization’s needs, is reliable and efficient, and can be effectively used by the employees.


This process usually begins with a meeting between management and the attest team when the findings and recommendations are presented. Management then develops a plan to implement the recommendations. The implementation phase can be divided into four main steps:


  1. Planning: The first step is to develop a plan for the implementation. This plan should include goals, objectives, timelines, and resources.


  1. Design: The second step is to design the attestation system. This includes identifying the data sources, designing the data collection process, and developing the algorithms that will be used to generate the attestations.


  1. Development: The third step is to develop the attestation system. This includes coding the algorithms, testing the system, and deploying it.


  1. Maintenance: The fourth step is to maintain the attestation system. This includes monitoring the system, troubleshooting issues, and making changes as necessary.


Implementing an attestation system is critical to ensuring that the system is effective and efficient. By following these four steps, organizations can ensure that their attestation system is designed, developed, and deployed correctly. 


Why Is Attestation In Accounting Important?

There are many benefits that attestation in accounting brings, including: 


  • It provides an independent assessment of a company’s financial statements, which can help build investor confidence.


  • It can help identify potential risks or areas of concern within a company’s financial statement, which can then be addressed.


  • Attestation in accounting can provide valuable insights into a company’s financial health and performance, which can be used to make informed decisions about its future.


  • It can also help ensure that a company’s financial statements comply with relevant regulations and standards.


Getting professional accounting services to help you understand the accounting process is important. This is because the process can be complicated, and it’s important to have someone with the necessary expertise to guide you through it. 


Are There Any Risks Associated With Attestation In Accounting?

There are risks associated with attestation in accounting. It’s important to be aware and cautious when implementing attestation in your business. Here are some of the risks:


Not understanding what attestation is and how it works: can lead to making decisions based on incorrect information, which can be costly.


Failing to implement attestation in your accounting system properly: This can lead to inaccuracies and errors in your financial reports.


Relying too heavily on attestation: This can lead to making decisions that are not in the best interest of your business, as you may be swayed by what the attestation report says instead of considering all factors involved.


Hiring an inexperienced or unqualified attester: can lead to an inaccurate or incomplete attestation report.


Fraud: This is always a possibility when dealing with finances, but it’s important to be aware that it could happen when implementing attestation in your accounting system.


Overall, attestation in accounting can be a great tool to use in financial decisions for your business. However, it’s important to be aware of the risks involved and to take precautions to avoid them. If you have questions or concerns, contact your accountant or financial advisor.


How To Know If You Need Attestation Services

There are many reasons why a business might need attestation services. Attestations can be helpful for a variety of circumstances. Let’s look at some of the most common reasons businesses need attestations.


To show financial responsibility to stakeholders – Attestation services can give stakeholders confidence that a company is financially responsible. This is especially important for publicly traded companies that must show their financials to shareholders.


To get a loan or line of credit – Many lenders will require attestation services as part of the loan process. This is because they want to be sure that the company is in good financial health and will be able to repay the loan.


To comply with regulations – State or federal governments regulate many industries. In some cases, these agencies may require attestation services to ensure that companies comply with laws and regulations.


To show due diligence to investors – When a company is looking for investment, they will often need to provide attestation services as part of the due diligence process. This helps investors understand the company’s financial health and decide if it is a good investment.


To get insurance – In some cases, companies may need attestation services to get business insurance. This is because insurers want to be sure that the company is in good financial health and will be able to pay the premiums.


If you’re not sure if your company needs attestation services, it’s always best to speak with an accounting services professional who can assess your specific situation. 


Get Accounting Services In Connecticut

Ensuring you’re getting accurate and reliable financial statements is critical to the success of your business. After all, these statements form the basis of important decisions affecting everything from running your operations to managing your taxes. At Nesso Accounting, we provide attestation services to give you the assurance you need that your financial statements are accurate and reliable.


Our Nesso Group team will guide you through the process and offer you specialized services to ensure compliance with all the applicable rules and regulations. Don’t hesitate to reach out to learn more about what we can do for you. Get in touch today. 



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