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A Guide To Medigap Plans: Plan K


August 17, 2022

Written by Nikki Grillo

If you are looking for comprehensive medical coverage, you should consider looking at Medigap Plans. These plans are one of the most popular plans offered by Medicare, and it offers a wide range of benefits that can help you stay healthy and protected. 


This guide will explain everything you need to know about Medigap, specifically Plan K. We will discuss what it covers, why it is important, and how to choose the right plan for your needs. So, if you are interested in learning more about this valuable plan. Keep reading.


What’s Medicare? 

Medicare is a health insurance program that the federal government administers. It is available to all US citizens 65 years of age or older, and certain disabled individuals can also use it. 


Parts Of Medicare

There are four parts to Medicare: Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D. Each one covers different aspects of your healthcare needs. 


Part A:  Also known as hospital insurance, this part of Medicare covers inpatient care in hospitals, skilled nursing facility care, hospice care, and home health care. 


Part B: Also known as medical insurance, this part of Medicare covers outpatient services like doctor’s visits, preventive screenings, durable medical equipment, and more. 


Part C: This part of Medicare is also known as Medicare Advantage. It is a type of plan offered by private insurance companies and must be approved by Medicare. These plans usually include Parts A and B, but they can also offer extra coverage like Part D prescription drug benefits. 


Part D: This part of Medicare is optional and helps cover the costs of prescription drugs not covered under Parts A or B. 


What’s Medigap?

Medigap is a type of supplemental insurance that can help cover some of the out-of-pocket costs associated with Medicare. It’s important to note that Medigap does not replace Medicare; it simply supplements it. There are ten different plans available, and each one offers a different level of coverage. Plan K is one of the more popular options, as it provides a good balance of coverage and affordability.


Important Facts About Medigap  


  • As of 2022, people who are 65 years or older and enrolled in Medicare Part B are eligible for Medigap.


  • There are currently ten standardized Medigap plans available in most states, each with different benefits. 


  • Medigap plans are offered by private insurance companies and can help cover some of the gaps in Original Medicare.


  • Some Medigap plans also offer additional benefits, such as coverage for foreign travel or prescription drugs.


Medigap Plans

Medigap offers a variety of plans to choose from. These plans include: 


Plan A: This plan covers the basics of Medicare Part A and Part B. 


Plan B: This plan covers the basics of Medicare Part A and Part B and some extra services. 


Plan C: This plan covers the basics of Medicare Part A and Part B and some extra services. Plan C also has a higher monthly premium than Plan B. 


Plan D: This plan covers the basics of Medicare Part A and Part B and some extra services. Plan D also has a higher monthly premium than Plan C. 


Plan F: This is the most comprehensive Medigap plan available. It covers all of the benefits of Plans A through D, plus it adds coverage for hospice care and medical care received outside of the United States. 


Plan G: This plan covers all of the benefits of Plans A through F, except for Part B’s deductible. 


Plan K: This plan covers 50% of Medicare Part A and Part B costs. It also has a lower monthly premium than Plan F. 


Plan L: This plan covers 75% of Medicare Part A and Part B costs. It also has a lower monthly premium than Plan F. 


Plan M: This plan covers 50% of the costs of Medicare Part A and pays 100% of the costs for Medicare Part B’s preventive services. 


Plan N: This plan covers 100%of the costs for Medicare Part B’s preventive services. It also covers 50% of Part B’s coinsurance and copayments.


As you can see, there are various Medigap plans to choose from. The best plan for you will depend on your needs and budget. If you’re not sure which plan is right for you, contact a Medicare specialist today. They can help you compare the different plans and find the best one for you. 


Pre Existing Conditions

When it comes to pre-existing conditions and Medigap plans, it’s important to be aware of the rules and regulations. Medigap plans do not cover pre-existing conditions, but if you have a Pre-existing Condition Exclusion Period (PCPEP) on your Medigap policy, your plan may pay for some covered services related to your pre-existing condition after you meet the Pre-existing Condition Exclusion Period. 


You need to know a few things to be eligible for the Pre-existing Condition Exclusion Period, so be sure to read up on the requirements. That includes:  


  • You must have had continuous creditable coverage for at least 63 days before your Medigap policy starts. 


  • If you go more than 63 days without creditable coverage, you will no longer be eligible for the Pre-existing Condition Exclusion Period. 


  • Creditable coverage includes health insurance that offers benefits that are at least as good as those offered by Medicare Part A and Part B, group health plan coverage (like an employer-sponsored health plan), government-sponsored programs like Medicaid, TRICARE, and the Veterans Health Administration, and certain prescription drug plans. 


As long as you meet these requirements, you should be eligible for the Pre-existing Condition Exclusion Period on your Medigap policy.


What Does Medigap Plan K Cover? 

Medigap Plan K is a comprehensive plan that offers many benefits. These benefits include:    


  • Part A coinsurance and hospital costs
  • Part B coinsurance and copayments
  • First three pints of blood each year
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayments
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance
  • Foreign travel emergency care


As you can see, Medigap Plan K offers a wide range of coverage benefits. This makes it a great option for those looking for comprehensive protection. 


What Isn’t Covered By Medigap Part K? 

There are a few things that Medigap Plan K does not cover. These include: 


  • Part B deductible
  • Part B excess charges
  • Part A deductible
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayments
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance


While Medigap Plan K is a comprehensive plan, there are still some gaps in coverage. It is important to be aware of these gaps to make sure you have the coverage you need. 


Why Is Medigap Important? 

Medigap is important because it can help you cover the gaps in your Medicare coverage. These gaps can include things like deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. 


Without Medigap, you may be responsible for paying for these out-of-pocket costs. This can add up quickly, and it can be difficult to afford. 


Plan K Out-Of-Pocket Limit

Plan K has a yearly out-of-pocket limit of $$6,220 as of 2022. After you pay this much out of your pocket for covered medical expenses, the plan will pay 100% of covered costs for the rest of the year. 


This is an important feature of Plan K because it protects you from paying an unexpectedly large amount of money for your medical care. 


How Does Plan K Compare To Other Plans? 

Plan K is one of the more popular Medicare supplement plans because it offers a good balance of coverage and affordability. It is not as comprehensive as Plan F, but it covers more than Plan A.


Plan K is also a good choice if you are looking for an alternative to Medicare Advantage. Unlike Medicare Advantage, Medigap plans do not have networks of doctors and hospitals that you must use. You can see any doctor or hospital that accepts Medicare patients.


If you are considering Medigap Plan K, compare it with other plans to find the one that best meets your needs.


What Is The Best Time To Enroll In A Medigap Plan? 

The best time to enroll in a Medigap plan is during your six-month Medigap Open Enrollment Period. This period starts on the first day of the month that you are both age 65 or older and enrolled in Medicare Part B.


During Medigap Open Enrollment, insurance companies cannot refuse to sell you a Medigap policy, charge you more because of your medical history, or require you to wait for coverage to start. You may have to pay more for your premium if you wait to enroll in a Medigap plan after your six-month open enrollment period.


What Happens If I Don’t Enroll In A Medigap Plan? 

If you don’t enroll in a Medigap plan when you are first eligible, you may have to pay a higher premium. Insurance companies can charge you more if you have pre-existing health conditions.


It’s important to enroll in a Medigap plan as soon as you are eligible to avoid paying higher premiums. You can enroll in a Medigap plan during the six-month period that begins on the first day of the month that you are both age 65 or older and enrolled in Medicare Part B.


Plan K vs. Plan L

Plan K is very similar to plan L. The only difference is that plan K has a $20 copay for Part A services and a $50 copay for Part B services, while plan L has a $40 copay for Part A services and a $75 copay for Part B services. Like plan L, Plan K does not cover skilled nursing care or the Part B deductible. However, it does offer coverage for hospice care and the Part A deductible.


Plan K is a great option for those looking for basic coverage and who do not want to pay high premiums. It is also a good choice for those who are healthy and do not anticipate using many medical services.


Make The Right Choice For You

Now that you know all there is to know about Medigap plans and pre-existing conditions, you can make the best decision for your health and your finances. At Nesso Senior Benefits, we can bring you all the information available to compare the different options, so you can choose the right coverage to best meet your needs. 


At Nesso Group, we understand that having all these different options can be confusing. Still, we’ll work with you to provide any additional information you may need to make an informed decision. Our team will also ensure that your plans are updated with your ever-changing needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out now to learn more about how we can help. 



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