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A Guide On Investment Properties For Real Estate Investors

Whether you’re a business owner looking for a new investment property, an entrepreneur ready to expand your portfolio or have a family who wants to secure their future, investment properties…

September 1, 2022

Written by Justin Sloan

Whether you’re a business owner looking for a new investment property, an entrepreneur ready to expand your portfolio or have a family who wants to secure their future, investment properties can be a great way to invest your money. However, it’s important to understand the ins and outs of this type of investment before you dive in. 


In this blog post, we’ll provide an overview of what investment properties insurance is, discuss some of the pros and cons of owning one, and help you decide if this type of investment is right for you. So read on to learn more!


What Is An Investment Property?

An investment property is a piece of real estate that is not your primary residence and that you purchase with the intention of generating income from it. Investment properties can be commercial (i.e., businesses) or residential (i.e., houses or apartments). Many people choose to invest in residential properties because they are less expensive than commercial ones, and there is a potential for a higher return on investment (ROI). However, commercial properties can also be a good option, especially if you plan to lease them out to businesses.

Types Of Investment Properties

Residential: Investors frequently acquire residential properties as a source of additional money. An investor who purchases a home and rents it out to tenants may earn monthly income from the property. Single-family houses, condos, apartments, townhomes, or other types of residential buildings are among the options.


Commercial: Income-generating properties don’t have to be residential. Some investors—particularly businesses—buy commercial premises that are used just for business. These expenditures might be greater, but the benefits compensate for it. That’s because the leases on these properties typically pay higher rent rates. These may be apartment complexes owned commercially or retail locations leased by a business.


Mixed-Use: A mixed-use property may be used for both commercial and residential purposes at the same time. For example, a facility with a retail storefront on the ground floor, such as a convenience store, bar, or restaurant, might also have residential apartments on the upper levels.

Investment Properties Insurance

Investment properties insurance is, quite simply, insurance that protects your investment property from loss or damage. It covers things like fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters. If your property is damaged or destroyed by one of these events, your insurance will help pay to repair or replace it.


Investment properties insurance is not required by law, but most banks and mortgage lenders will require you to have it if you’re financing your property. That’s because they want to make sure their investment is protected in case of an unforeseen event.


Any property can fall victim to crime, natural disasters, or other hazards. But, when you’re not living on the premises, it can be even more important to have insurance in place in case something happens. That’s because an investment property is likely to be unoccupied for at least some time, making it more vulnerable to theft, vandalism, and weather damage.


What Does It Cover?

Rental home insurance will cover various things, but it may generally include the structure of your property, the landlord’s belongings, liability coverage, and loss of rental income. Its coverage is comparable to that provided by homeowners insurance, with some exceptions that account for the higher risk associated with having tenants on your premises.

Dwelling Coverage

Dwelling coverage on an investment property policy pays to repair or rebuild the physical structure of your rental property in the event of a covered loss, such as fire, wind damage, or vandalism. It typically includes detached structures on your property, like a garage or storage shed.

Loss of Use Coverage

If your rental property is damaged by a covered peril and becomes uninhabitable, loss of use coverage will help pay for alternative living arrangements while your property is being repaired. This can include hotel stays, restaurant meals, and other expenses that you wouldn’t have if your tenants were able to live in your rental unit.

Liability Coverage

Liability coverage on an investment property policy can help protect you from lawsuits alleging that your negligence or the condition of your property caused someone’s injuries. It can also help pay for damages if your tenant’s dog bites someone or if someone is injured while on your property.

Landlord’s Belongings Coverage

If you keep any personal belongings at your rental property, like furniture or appliances, the landlord’s belongings coverage will help pay to replace them if a covered loss damages them. This coverage is typically limited to a certain amount, so be sure to check with your insurance agent to see what’s included in your policy.

Types Of Investment Property Insurance Policies

DP-1: Rental property insurance is usually described as a dwelling policy or DP, and the cheapest form with the most basic coverage is the DP-1. DP-1 forms are typically limited to specified perils, which means that you will not be reimbursed for damage if a peril, or disaster, isn’t specifically named in the document. These policies generally reimburse you on an actual cash value basis, which means your insurer will pay you for covered damage minus wear and tear, called depreciation.


DP-2: The DP-2’s coverage tends to be on a named peril basis, like the DP-1. However, DP-2 coverage will generally cover a wider range of perils. An insurance policy may provide DP-2 coverage but not DP-1 coverage, as an example. Furthermore, the DP-2 form improves on the original by typically providing replacement cost protection rather than current market value protection, which means that damage will be covered at current market prices without considering depreciation costs.


DP-3: The most comprehensive form of flood insurance available, the RC-100 is also expensive. It will provide complete loss coverage, except for those that are explicitly excluded in the policy, which is why it’s known as a “full replacement” coverage. Its coverage will be given on a replacement cost basis, like the DP-2 policy.

Benefits Of Owning Investment Properties

There are many benefits to owning investment properties. First and foremost, rental properties can provide a steady stream of income that can help you achieve your financial goals. Additionally, rental properties can appreciate in value over time, providing you with the potential for a significant return on your investment.


Another benefit of owning investment properties is the ability to write off certain expenses on your taxes. For example, you can deduct the cost of your mortgage interest, property taxes, and insurance premiums from your taxable income. This can help reduce the amount of money you owe in taxes each year and increase your overall profitability as a landlord.


Finally, owning investment properties can be an excellent way to build wealth over time. By reinvesting the profits from your rentals back into your properties, you can gradually increase your portfolio of rental units and build equity in your properties. This can provide you with a solid foundation for your future financial security.


The right insurance policy can help protect your investment property against a variety of risks, from fires and theft to weather damage and liability claims. Be sure to work with an experienced insurance agent to find the right policy for your needs.

Investment Properties Insurance Eligibility

Most insurance companies will insure investment properties, but some eligibility requirements must be met. In order to qualify for investment property insurance, the property must be:

  • Rented to tenants
  • Not owner-occupied
  • Used for business purposes


Additionally, the property must be in good repair and meet all local building codes and ordinances. Finally, the landlord must have a valid business license if their state or local government requires it.


Contact your insurance agent or broker to discuss your options if you’re not sure whether your property qualifies for investment property insurance.

How Much Does Investment Property Insurance Cost?

The cost of investment property insurance varies depending on a number of factors, including the value of your property, its location, the type of coverage you need, and the amount of deductible you’re willing to pay. However, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $5,000 per year for a typical policy.


When shopping for investment property insurance, compare rates from multiple insurers to find the best deal. You may also be able to save money by bundling your investment property insurance with other types of insurance, such as your homeowner’s or car insurance.


Investment property insurance is an important part of being a landlord. By insuring your rental property, you can protect yourself from financial losses in the event of damage to your property or liability claims from your tenants. Be sure to work with an experienced insurance agent to find the right policy for your needs.

Nesso Insurance – Investment Property Insurance Done Right

The world of insurance can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. If you have any questions about investment opportunities insurance or would like a free quote, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Nesso Insurance offers a wide range of investment property insurance policies to meet the needs of landlords and rental property owners. We can help you find the right policy for your needs, whether you’re insuring a single-family home, an apartment building, or a commercial retail space.


Our team of experienced insurance agents will work with you to tailor a policy that meets your specific needs. We understand the unique risks that come with owning investment properties, and we’ll make sure you’re properly protected against them.


In order to offer a holistic solution, at Nesso Group, we have put together a team of experts who can help you with all the obligations that come with being a real estate investor, such as taxes and wealth management, in order to make the most out of your investment. Contact us today, and let’s start working together.



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